
In the process of porting to 1.8.7 it has become obvious that most of our remaining tags for specs are based on pieces that are marked as ruby_bug in the specs.

I would like to open up the discussion of whether JRuby should be bug-by-bug compliant with a specific version, or whether we should just aim to fix all the buggy behavior.

So. Votes: bug compatibility or not?


Ola Bini (http://olabini.com) Ioke creator (http://ioke.org)
JRuby Core Developer (http://jruby.org)
Developer, ThoughtWorks Studios (http://studios.thoughtworks.com)
Practical JRuby on Rails (http://apress.com/book/view/9781590598818)

"Yields falsehood when quined" yields falsehood when quined.

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