Hello all,

Often throughout the day I see instances where an httpd process will 
spike up to 100% cpu utilization and stay there for an extended period 
of time.  eg:

19068 apache     1   0    0   71M   49M cpu/1    9:05 48.11% httpd
(that's a 2-cpu machine)

This is a Roundcube process.  If I run a truss on that pid I can see 
that it is doing absolutely nothing. 

Also lsof tells me:
COMMAND     PID     USER   FD   TYPE        DEVICE     SIZE/OFF      
httpd     19068   apache   39u  IPv4 0x30012fd2380          0t0       
TCP mail.example.org:63204->mail.example.org:imap (CLOSE_WAIT)

This connection will stay in the CLOSE_WAIT state (and the CPU pegged) 
indefinitely, or at least until...

...eventually it times out and I may see this in the Apache error log:
[Thu Apr 03 11:46:44 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal 
error:  Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in 
/group/www/mail.example.org/htdocs/program/lib/imap.inc on line 169, 

Any ideas what is causing this?  It's bringing the server to it's knees 
fairly often, and contributing to a perception among my users that 
Roundcube is "slow".

This is Roundcube 0.1 stable running under PHP 5.2.5 / Apache 2.2.8 on 
Solaris 10.  Our IMAP server is UW and lives on the same box.

I'd appreciate any troubleshooting advice.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

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