---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kevin Klues <klue...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, May 21, 2017 at 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: question ablout "Attach/Exec Support in Mesos"
To: 唐亮 <tangliang...@360.cn>

Hi Tangliang,

Unfortunately we only have support for `task exec` in the DC/OS CLI at the
moment. We have been planning to backport it to the Mesos CLI for some
time, but haven't managed to do so yet.

To complicate things, DC/OS used to allow running against standalone mesos,
but the latest release of the DC/OS CLI doesn't support this anymore.
Version 0.4.16 is the only release that supports *both* standalone mesos
and `task exec` (https://github.com/dcos/dcos-cli/releases/tag/0.4.16).

However, version 0.4.16 had a bug which didn't allow `task exec` to work
with pods (it works with all other containers launched by the universal
containerizer, just not pods). A fix for this has been committed upstream
and is included in the latest DC/OS CLI, but that version of the CLI
doesn't support running against standalone mesos anymore.


Ideally, we would just backport `task exec` support into the mesos CLI and
not have to worry about this. However, since this hasn't been done yet,
I've decided to create a (non-release) version of the DC/OS CLI which can
be used against standalone mesos and supports `task exec` for both normal
containers and pods.

Below are links to both Mac and Linux binaries for this version of the CLI:
Mac: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qvtaqAh24VVWVIY1RkR2ZMS1U
Linux: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qvtaqAh24Vd2JtMTZuUFJSUjg

To use this version of the DC/OS CLI with standalone mesos, you first need
to set core.dcos_url to a dummy value and then set core.mesos_master_url to
the URL for your mesos master.
$ dcos config set core.dcos_url ""
$ dcos config set core.mesos_master_url <url>

The format of the mesos_master_url is:
        "mesos_master_url": {
            "description": "Mesos master URL. Must be set in format:
            "format": "uri",
            "title": "Mesos Master URL",
            "type": "string"

I'm not sure how many of the commands in the DC/OS CLI work in a standalone
mesos cluster, but I've tested at least the following with the binaries
attached to this email and they seem to work just fine:

$ dcos task
gpu-test  core-dev  root    R    gpu-test

$ dcos task exec -it gpu-test bash
[root@core-dev /]# exit

$ dcos task log gpu-test
Executing pre-exec command
Received SUBSCRIBED event
Subscribed executor on core-dev
Received LAUNCH event
Starting task gpu-test

Hopefully we will find the time soon to backport all of this to the mesos
CLI, so you won't have to do this awkward dance just to use `task exec`.

Let me know if you have any other questions.




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