Since I'm not certain who, if anyone, is notified of JIRA changes,
here's a list of the items I've been working on.

VELOCITY-864 Download and install Apache Rat task in preparation
target for "ant rat"
VELOCITY-863 Regression: #set<tab>left-paren no longer valid grammar
VELOCITY-862 Rebuilding parser using javacc 4.2 loses Node import
VELOCITY-861 Improve parser modification and build documentation
VELOCITY-860 Fix Velocity 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5 ant download dependency build script

Things I would like to see happen before a 1.8 release:

-- insure rat passes with an appropriate exclude list
-- fix tests [merging in Frederick's changes and/or Sergiu's changes]
-- compile natively under Java 1.7 [merging in Frederick's changes
and/or Sergiu's changes]
-- update dependencies [merging in Frederick's changes and/or Sergiu's changes]

I will slowly plod toward these goals but any additional help will be

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