Hey Sam,

I'm already myriad alongside a CM managed hadoop cluster.  It's a little
hacky right now, I'm working on stream lining this, it may involve CM
and/or some docker integration.  Here are my current steps:

0. I strongly recommend pulling of master and building from source - it has
some really useful patches.  We're working on another release now (couple
weeks out though).

1. Let Cloudera Manager configure hdfs - it does a good job of this.

2. Grab a cloudera tar ball from here:
(I've also just used apache-hadoop tarballs).

3. Extract the tar ball, copy the native libraries cdh install on your
system in hadoop-*/lib/native

4 cp myriad/myriad-*/build/libs/* hadoop-*/share/hadoop/yarn/lib

5 copy your hadoop configs to hadoop-*/etc/hadoop/

6 create a myriad-default-config.yml in hadoop-*/etc/hadoop follow
instructions on wiki for remote distribution for edits to
myriad-default-config.yml.  NB: don't enable yarn cgroups yet - I'm fixing
a bug.

7 chown -R root:root hadoop-*y

8 chown root:yarn hadoop-*/bin/container-executor ; chmod g+s

9 mv hadoop-<..> hadoop-myriad

10 tar -zxvf hadoop-myriad.tgz hadoop-myriad ; hadoop fs -put
hadoop-myriad.tgz /dist/

11 cd hadoop-myriad/ && sudo -u yarn bin/yarn resource manager

12 hit the web-ui at host:8192 and flexup some node managers

This has been pretty stable.

Alternatively, if you're running mesos and docker you could look at PR
https://github.com/apache/incubator-myriad/pull/64, it's still WIP but
avoids a lot of setup - would be happy to work with you as I document and
harden this feature for the 0.2.0 release.  Currently that runs off generic
hadoop put we could certainly create distribution specific dockerfiles.

Let me know if you need help.  Keep in mind this is still an alpha project,
so expect some issues. Would love to get feedback, use cases and feature

Also a mesos tip: if your running services like hdfs outside of mesos you
should adjust you're mesos resources appropriately or you'll end up over
subscribed and processes will slow or die.

Thanks for trying myriad!


On Apr 21, 2016 4:22 AM, "rchen" <rc...@linkernetworks.com> wrote:

Hi Guys,
Currrently, we are working on Myriad with Cloudera distribution. And we
have proved that Mesos and work with Yarn.
However talking about CM, how to integrate ? Any comments is welcome.


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