Forwarding Daniel's excellent message in case someone plans to attend FOSDEM and is not on the dev@community list. I've updated with the information earlier discussed on this list. See you there!

--------  Forwarded Message  --------
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:21:24 +0100
From: Daniel Gruno

Hi folks!

FOSDEM is now less than two days away, so here's some practical
information, which you'll also find on the wiki:

The booth will be set up on Saturday between 9:00 and 10:00. The
conference starts at 10:00. Anyone willing to help out here, please meet
up at the K building a bit before 9.

Due to the new logo (and the uncertainty of whether we'd be able to use
it or not), we have been pressed for time, as we had very few days to
procure swag for this. Luckily, we had some awesome print shops help us
out, and we have the following items available (IN SMALL QUANTITIES!):

- t-shirts (various sizes/sexes)
- mugs (veeery few, probably gonna use them for coffee at the booth)
- key chains with LED lights
- fridge magnets (lots of those, like...hundreds!)
- round 3" powered-by stickers (loooooads of them)
- pens with full color logo
- small badges with logo (not a whole lot, 30-40 or so)
- beer coasters
- 180x80cm banner for the booth with a quadpod
- Some other stickers that Sally doesn't like ;)

I'll be very "Scottish" about this and divide it into two piles - one
for saturday, one for sunday, and only bring half the swag from my hotel
each day.

No talk, no swag! If people want even a pen, it requires a conversation
with us. Do they know what the ASF does? Can they name 3 projects? Do
they know who our president is? etc etc. The more they talk, the better
swag they'll get :) Please be very sparse with handing out swag,
especially at first, or it'll be gone within 25 minutes.

See the wiki for exact project schedules.
The booth is open Saturday from 10:00 till 19:00,
and Sunday from 10:00 till 17:00. The schedule can be changed if more
projects show up. Besides, we have nearly 4 meters of booth space, so...

teardown is on Sunday at 17:00 and should be done before 17:30. This
should be simple, but help is appreciated. Jimjag has dibs on the
banner, so I'll mail it to him once we're done using it.

Hope to see you there!

With regards,

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