To Whom it May Concern,

I am a student at the University of Ballarat, and am in my final semester of
studies in a Bachelor of Applied Computing. Currently I am enrolled in the
course "Open Source & Linux", and as part of our assessment we are required
to contribute to an open source project in some way.

I am primarily interested in software development, and throughout the
duration of my degree I have focussed on taking programming courses. I have
experience in a range of programming and scripting languages including C,
C++, Java, C#, HTML, PHP, and SQL, among others. I use a MacBook, and run
both Mac OS X and Windows 7.

I would really love the opportunity to contribute to OpenOffice, but am
unsure as to what would be appropriate for me to do. Due to the constraints
of my course I only have approximately 10 weeks, however I would be willing
to continue working on the project after the completion of my course in
order to complete my work to a high standard.

Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Stephanie Smith.

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