Hi there,

today a student, Lukas Schreier, turned in his final version of a
seminar paper about "IDL-XML-Converter - A Package for Transforming IDL
into XML". Here's the author's abstract:

    Author's abstract:

    The IDL-XML-Converter-Package is used to convert IDL to XML files.
    Those XML files can then be used to write an appropriate

    The package includes the following functions:

        * Converting IDL-files into XML files,
        * Converting XML files into an OpenOffice-Registry format,
        * Converting OpenOffice-Registries into XML files,
        * Merging two OpenOffice-Registries.

    The content of the package consists of six Java programs, which are
    published under the LGPLv3- license.

        This program converts an existing OpenOffice.org IDL file into
        an XML file. 
        Writes an XML file which contains OpenOffice IDL-types into an
        OpenOffice-Registry file. 
        Extracts a given OpenOffice-Registry key into an XML file. 
        Merges two specified OpenOffice-Registries into one. 

The paper (in PDF), which documents the registry and the Java-based
classes and the DTD that he developed for transforming IDL into XML,
registry into XML, XML into registry, and merging registries can be
fournd with its accompanying materials (source code, jars, examples)
here: <http://wi.wu-wien.ac.at/rgf/diplomarbeiten/index.htm#sem_201007a>.


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