Re: [racket-dev] (reposted from users) Noisy compiler at PLTSTDERR=info

2015-01-22 Thread Matthew Flatt
At Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:22:38 -0500, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
 Over the past few months, more and more subsystems have started logging
 at info level as part of regular compilation.
 I prefer having PLTSTDERR=info in order to catch log-info that happens
 at runtime, and find the compile-time log output quite distracting.
 My current workaround is to set
 PLTSTDERR=info warning@cm warning@compiler/cm warning@module-prefetch
 warning@setup/parallel-build warning@cm-accomplice
 but this is quite verbose, and as subsystem log messages come and go
 I'll need to keep updating it.
 Could one of the following ideas be worth exploring?
  1. Have a superlogger for these (and other?) compile-time-ish loggers,
 so that I could write info warning@compilation, excluding the
 noise in one fell swoop
  2. Have a phase number associated with logging, so I could say
 info@0 warning@1, or similar

I have a suggestion below, but it's based on a guess of what you really
want, and it might be a bad guess.

Here's my train of thought:

On 1 above: I've been uncertain of the best way to organize logging
from the start, but the idea of grouping topics hierarchically (such as
a compilation topic group) doesn't sound promising. The original
implementation had a notion of hierarchy that I thought might play out
this way, but it didn't. Overall, it seems to be difficult to fit
topics into a hierarchy a priori, in much the same way that it has been
difficult or awkward to group exceptions hierarchically (and few Racket
libraries attempt to extend the exception hierarchy). I guess there's
often a mismatch between the producer's original idea of organization
the and consumer's eventual idea.

On 2 above: I'm not sure why compilation or phase 1 is special. As more
and more libraries use logging, it seems like they will generate noise
(from your perspective) at run time, too.

More generally:

The most successful step in the logging system's evolution was the move
toward level@topic specifications that include specific topics
of interest. In a growing sea of information, knowing which pieces you
want and specifying those pieces makes sense. Trying to exclude a
category of information is much harder, because it's hard to know all
the information that will be available to exclude.

At the same time, it makes sense to have error messages visible all
the time for all topics, because users should see errors that they
didn't anticipate. Similarly, it makes sense for a user to request
extra unanticipated information at the warning level.

In this sense, the info label is ambiguous. The info level could be
like warning: information that a human consumer might be interested
in without anticipating it, but (unlike warning) not a suggestion of
a problem. Or info could be more like debug: details that are only
useful when you're looking closely at a specific subsystem. A potential
distinction between info and debug is that the former makes sense
to the consumer of the subsystem as opposed to the producer.

My only idea, then, is that we're missing a level somewhere between
debug and warning. My guess is that you're getting too much
information from info, because you wanted a human-volume level of
status information; sometimes info is used for that. Other uses of
info are more like debug --- not really human-volume --- and that's
the part you don't want to see. It happens that many of the current
debug-like uses of info are in compilation subsystems.

If I'm guessing right, then we could introduce a new level and sort out
existing uses:

 * fatal - last-ditch communication channel before termination
 * error - errors
 * warning - info for humans that alerts a potential mistake
 * info - info for humans on status and progress
 * detail - info for subsystem consumers, not necessarily human-volume
 * debug - info for subsystem implementers, not necessarily human-volume

The idea is that most of the compilation messages could move to
detail. (Or maybe it makes sense to add the level between info and
warning; it becomes a transition and compatibility question as much
as anything.)

In retrospect, I realize that I've often struggled with choosing info
vs. debug levels precisely because I haven't been clear on which is
meant as human-volume --- or even that it makes sense to consider a
human-volume vs. machine-volume distinction. Other times, I've
struggled with info vs. debug because of a internal vs. external

Does any of that connect to your actual situation and goals?

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Full transparency

2015-01-22 Thread Matthew Flatt
I don't think you want to do anything with the compiler or macros.
Instead, it's a matter of having a sufficiently powerful inspector
(which is the concept of inspectability turned into a language

If you have just

 (struct a (x))
 (a 1)

then the result will print as `#a`. But if you use

 (define orig-i (current-inspector))
 (define sub-i (make-inspector orig-i))

 (current-inspector sub-i)
 (struct a (x))
 (define v (a 1))
 (current-inspector orig-i)


Then, the result will print as `(a 1)`. That's because the structure
declaration is creates under an inspector `sub-i` (which is the current
inspector at the time) that is subordinate to the inspector `orig-i`
that is in place when the structure instance is printed.

The current inspector is determined dynamically, which means that if
you're loading some code, you can set the inspector while loading the
code. For example, if a.rkt is

 #lang racket/base
 (provide v)

 (struct a (x))
 (define v (a 1))


 (define v
   (parameterize ([current-inspector (make-inspector)])
 (dynamic-require a.rkt 'v)))

will print the `a` instance transparently.

To protect libraries, there's no safe way to access a root inspector
that controls all structure types when you start Racket. Nothing is
safe from unsafe code, though, and here's an unsafe way to access the
root inspector:

 #lang racket/base
 (require ffi/unsafe)

 (define-cstruct _Scheme_Inspector
   ([stag _short]
[keyex _short]
[depth _int]
[superior _racket]))

 (define root-inspector
((get-ffi-obj 'scheme_get_initial_inspector
  (_fun - (_gcable _Scheme_Inspector-pointer))

Using `root-inspector`, you can inspect any structure instance.

At Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:46:10 -0700, Byron Davies wrote:
 Nice parry!  What may be straightforward to you may not be so obvious to
 me.  But I'll take a look.
 I'm deep into a project using Racket for weakest precondition analysis.
 Every time I'm debugging it seems like I have to write another
 special-purpose accessor, or export some existing accessor up through
 multiple levels in order to get at the data I need at the top-level.  I
 remember how easy it was with the Lisp Machine to navigate through data no
 matter what it was.
 The Lisp Machine offered total transparency, with no real way to protect
 data, to the benefit of the developer.  Racket offers total opacity, to the
 benefit of code security.  I'm hoping there's a middle ground, where
 transparency can be turned on and off.
 On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Matthias Felleisen
  Sounds like a straightforward change to the existing macros. Why don't you
  create a fork and experiment?
  On Jan 21, 2015, at 1:15 PM, Byron Davies
   Or, more conservatively, every struct and object in a given package,
  file, or set of files.
   On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Byron Davies
   Would it be easy to create a compiler flag that would make every struct
  and object transparent?  This would then make it easy to create a Lisp
  Machine-style Inspector that would be able to roam through every data
  structure during debugging.
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[racket-dev] Literal constants

2015-01-22 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
This program returns #f - I was expecting to see #t.

#lang racket
(define a '(1 2 3))
(define b '(1 2 3))
(eq? a b)

Why not guarantee uniqueness of  literals occurring in the same module?

/Jens Axel
  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] (reposted from users) Noisy compiler at PLTSTDERR=info

2015-01-22 Thread Tony Garnock-Jones
Hi Matthew,

Thanks for those thoughts.

On 01/22/2015 09:11 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
 On 1 above: I've been uncertain of the best way to organize logging
 from the start, but the idea of grouping topics hierarchically (such as
 a compilation topic group) doesn't sound promising.

I agree. Better perhaps would be a more relational approach. There are
all sorts of cross-cutting ways one might like to filter log messages:

 - by package author (all the messages in code I wrote)
 - by package
 - by collection
 - by module
 - by specific subroutine?
 - by level (debug, info, warning etc)
 - by phase
 - by place
 - by predicate (e.g. regexp) on log message or log datum

I don't know how to do this yet. Certainly not with the efficiency of
the current logging system!

 I guess there's
 often a mismatch between the producer's original idea of organization
 the and consumer's eventual idea.

Yes, that's a very good point.

 On 2 above: I'm not sure why compilation or phase 1 is special. As more
 and more libraries use logging, it seems like they will generate noise
 (from your perspective) at run time, too.

On reflection, I agree with you. Phase is just one of the many axes
listed above.

 In this sense, the info label is ambiguous. [...]
 My only idea, then, is that we're missing a level somewhere between
 debug and warning.

To me it feels like there is one major divison when it comes to levels:
that between errors/warnings and informational messages. Within each
grouping, less important subdivisions exist.

If I can turn on and off the informational messages as a group, for
individual *subsystems*, I think I'm happy.

So my current workaround works OK for me. Adding an extra gradation
between info and debug wouldn't add much in this example.

I think I'm after finer control of selecting messages on axes *other*
than level/severity.

-- Tony

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[racket-dev] In Typed Racket, struct declarations do not work in an internal definition context

2015-01-22 Thread Alexis King
Simple enough. This works:

#lang racket

(define (make-me-a-struct)
  (struct foo ())

(make-me-a-struct) ; = #foo

This does not:

#lang typed/racket

(define (make-me-a-struct)
  (struct foo ())
  (foo)) ; error: cannot apply a function with unknown arity


This problem makes sense. Type declarations seem to be a module-wide construct, 
so a type that should be scoped to a single function doesn’t work. I’m running 
into this issue when trying to create an executable struct using 
define-struct/exec from within a macro, which doesn’t work due to this 
particular problem.

I can work around this in a variety of ways—I can extract this into an untyped 
module and use require/typed, I can use vectors to “fake” structs and provide 
an appropriate interface, etc. Still, I wonder if there are any plans to 
resolve this type of problem? Since it seems to be an issue with how TR handles 
types at its core, I’m not even sure how feasible it would be._
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