Re: [racket-dev] using the Y combinator to...

2010-08-04 Thread The Configurator
I'll hijack the thread since I've been meaning to ask about the Y
From SICP I've seen that the Y combinator is the function
(define (y f)
  ((lambda (x) (f (x x)))
   (lambda (x) (f (x x)

This makes mathematical sense, since
(y f)
= ((lambda (x) (f (x x))) (lambda (x) (f (x x
= (f ((lambda (x) (f (x x))) (lambda (x) (f (x x)
= (f (y f))

But when actually applying it:
// g improves a function to get a ceiling function. The fixed point would be
similar to (lambda (x) (inexact-exact (ceiling x)))
(define (g f)
  (lambda (x)
(if (= x 0)
(+ 1 (f (- x 1))

 ((g (g (g (g (g #f) 3.3)

Now let's step through
((y g) 3.3)
= (((lambda (x) (g (x x))) (lambda (x) (g (x x 3.3)
= ((g ((lambda (x) (g (x x))) (lambda (x) (g (x x) 3.3)
now, to get the (g ...) result we need to apply g to it's operand. For that,
we need to evaluate it:
= ((g (g ((lambda (x) (g (x x))) (lambda (x) (g (x x)) 3.3)
= ((g (g (g ((lambda (x) (g (x x))) (lambda (x) (g (x x 3.3)
= ((g (g (g (g ((lambda (x) (g (x x))) (lambda (x) (g (x x) 3.3)

And I just ran out of memory.

What am I missing here?
It seems obvious to me that if we add a delay/force or somesuch thing it
solves the problem. But that's not the y-combinator I was shown.
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Re: [racket-dev] using the Y combinator to...

2010-07-31 Thread Robby Findler
The use of the Y combinator (as opposed to the built-in forms of
recursion) seems to be hacking around the ability for Ruby methods to
be redefined more than anything?


On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi 
 ...provide a mis-feature that the language thoughtfully left out:

 (The bit about lexical scoping in Ruby is also neat.  It says that
 deep down, Ruby really is the same as JavaScript and Python.)

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