
Michael Meeks schrieb:

        I just committed a chunk of code to the ooxml02 CWS. This extends the
visibility markup to the classes we use during import and export: which
turned out to be fewer symbols than I had feared (10k vs. 9k symbols),
and splits out all of the calc filters (except for xml) into a separate
library: 'scfilt' which is demand loaded via an abstract interface.

Looks much better, thanks.

        In addition - I noticed & fixed a number of problem
symbols. The CWS tune03 seems (some time ago) to have publicly exposed a
number of things without Sc prefixing that could be problematic in
future: eg. 'Collection' 'StrCollection'.  I added an Sc prefix to:
ColToAlpha, Collection, SortedCollection, StrCollection,
TypedStrCollection, AutoFmtPreview, DataObject and SingleRefData -
hopefully that will avoid symbol clash problems in future.

for consistency with SingleRefData, you may also change ComplexRefData.


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