I spent several hours migrating applications to Struts2.1.1 today. I've applied a significant overhaul to the migration guide [1].

Summary of results:
core: no new issues encountered after following the migration guide
tiles 2 plugin: no new issues encountered after following migration guide
sitemesh plugin: no new issues encountered, no migration required
jasperreports plugin: no new issues encountered, no migration required
dojo plugin: no new issues encountered after following the migration guide (only a cursory look. *see notes below)

Third-party plugins:
json plugin: no new issues encountered, no migration required
guice plugin: no new issues encountered, no migration required

codebehind: in use, no new issues to report (but not migrated from any 2.0.x apps)
rest: in use, no new issues to report

*Dojo plugin:
I only had used a small test application for this consisting of autocompleter, datetimepicker, divs and binds. I can confirm what has already been reported by others: there is an issue regarding execution of inline javascript in ajax results that may affect some users migrating from 2.0.x to 2.1.x: Inline scripts are NOT executed unless separateScripts="true" and executeScripts="true". I believe, but could not confirm, that these attributes were independent in Struts2.0.x I have updated the migration guide accordingly.

[1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/S2WIKI/Troubleshooting+guide+migrating+from+Struts+2.0.x+to+2.1.x

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