Author: kkolinko
Date: Sat Jan  9 06:44:50 2016
New Revision: 1723829

Implement running the test with Apache Ant.
The command is:
    ant download
    ant test

Remove unused test/build.xml

Note: running with APR connector is supported, but usually results in a JVM 


Modified: tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/BUILDING.txt
--- tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/BUILDING.txt (original)
+++ tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/BUILDING.txt Sat Jan  9 
06:44:50 2016
@@ -172,3 +172,109 @@ For a quick rebuild of only modified cod
     cd ${tomcat.source}
     ant -f dist.xml release
+(8) Tests
+(8.1) Running Tomcat tests
+Tomcat 6 includes a small number of junit tests. (A lot more are available
+with Tomcat 7 onwards).
+The tests are not run when a release is built. There is separate command to
+run them.
+To run the testsuite use the following command:
+    cd ${tomcat.source}
+    ant download
+    ant test
+It is advisable to redirect output of the above command to a file for later
+The JUnit reports generated by the tests will be written to the following
+    output/build/logs
+By default the testsuite is run three times to test 3 different
+implementations of Tomcat connectors: BIO, NIO and APR. (If you are not
+familiar with Tomcat connectors, see config/http.html in documentation for
+The 3 runs are enabled and disabled individually by the following
+properties, which all are "true" by default:
+    execute.test.nio=true
+    execute.test.apr=true
+The APR connector can be tested only if Tomcat-Native library binaries are
+found by the testsuite. The "test.apr.loc" property specifies the directory
+where the library binaries are located.
+By default the "test.apr.loc" property specifies the following location:
+    output/build/bin/native/
+If you are on Windows and want to test the APR connector you can put the
+tcnative-1.dll file into ${tomcat.source}/bin/native/ and it will be copied
+into the above directory when the build runs.
+(8.2) Running a single test
+It is possible to run a single JUnit test class by adding the "test.entry"
+property to the file. The property specifies the name of
+the test class.
+For example:
+    test.entry=org.apache.catalina.util.TestServerInfo
+It is possible to further limit such run to a number of selected test
+methods by adding "test.entry.methods" property. The property specifies a
+comma-separated list of test case methods.
+For example:
+    test.entry=org.apache.el.lang.TestELArithmetic
+    test.entry.methods=testMultiply01,testMultiply02
+(8.3) Other configuration options
+ 1. It is possible to configure the directory where JUnit reports are
+ written to. It is configured by "test.reports" property. The default
+ value is
+        output/build/logs
+ 2. It is possible to enable generation of access log file when the tests
+ are run. This is off by default and can be enabled by the following
+ property:
+        test.accesslog=true
+ The "access_log.<date>" file will be written to the same directory as
+ JUnit reports,
+        output/build/logs
+ 3. The testsuite respects logging configuration as configured by
+ ${tomcat.source}/conf/
+ The log files will be written to the temporary directory used by the
+ tests,
+        output/test-tmp/logs
+ 4. It is possible to configure formatter used by JUnit reports.
+ Configuration properties are "junit.formatter.type",
+ "junit.formatter.extension" and "junit.formatter.usefile".
+ For example the following property disables generation of separate report
+ files:
+        junit.formatter.usefile=false

--- tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/ 
+++ tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/ 
Sat Jan  9 06:44:50 2016
@@ -29,6 +29,20 @@
+# ----- Build control flags -----
+# Still requires APR/native library to be present
+# Stop testing if a failure occurs
+# Activate AccessLog during testing
+# Some platforms (e.g. OSX El Capitan) require IPv4 to be the default for the
+# multicast tests to work
 # ----- Default Base Path for Dependent Packages -----
 # Please note this path must be absolute, not relative,
 # as it is referenced with different working directory
@@ -159,3 +173,15 @@ commons-daemon.native.src.loc.1=${base-c
+# ----- JUnit Unit Test Suite, version 4.11 or later -----
+# ----- Hamcrest Library, used by JUnit, version 1.3 or later ----

Modified: tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/build.xml
--- tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/build.xml (original)
+++ tomcat/tc6.0.x/branches/tomcat6-testing_20160106/build.xml Sat Jan  9 
06:44:50 2016
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@
   <property name="tomcat.classes"        value="${tomcat.output}/classes"/>
   <property name="tomcat.dist"           value="${tomcat.output}/dist"/>
   <property name="tomcat.manifests"      value="${tomcat.output}/manifests"/>
+  <property name="test.classes"          value="${tomcat.output}/testclasses"/>
+  <property name="test.temp"             value="${tomcat.output}/test-tmp"/>
+  <property name="test.reports"          value="${}/logs"/>
+  <property name="test.apr.loc"          value="${}/bin/native"/>
   <!-- Can't be lower - jsp uses templates -->
   <property name="compile.source" value="1.5"/>
@@ -91,11 +95,22 @@
   <available property="tomcat-dbcp.present" file="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}" />
   <available property="jdk16.present" classname="javax.sql.StatementEvent" />
+  <!-- Tests To Run -->
+  <property name="" value="**/Test*.java"/>
+  <property name="test.formatter" 
   <!-- Classpath -->
   <path id="tomcat.classpath">
     <pathelement location="${ant.jar}"/>
     <pathelement location="${jdt.jar}"/>
+  <path id="tomcat.test.classpath">
+    <pathelement location="${tomcat.classes}"/>
+    <pathelement location="${test.classes}"/>
+    <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
+    <pathelement location="${hamcrest.jar}"/>
+    <path refid="tomcat.classpath" />
+  </path>
   <!-- Version info filter set -->
@@ -672,10 +687,161 @@
     <delete dir="${tomcat.classes}" />
     <delete dir="${}" />
     <delete dir="${tomcat.manifests}" />
+    <delete dir="${test.classes}" />
+    <delete dir="${test.temp}" />
     <!-- Remove the copied -->
     <delete file="java/org/apache/catalina/startup/" />
+  <!-- ========================= Testing ========================== -->
+  <target name="test-compile" depends="compile" >
+    <mkdir dir="${test.classes}"/>
+    <!-- Compile -->
+    <javac srcdir="test" destdir="${test.classes}"
+           debug="${compile.debug}"
+           deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
+           source="${compile.source}"
+           target="${}"
+           encoding="ISO-8859-1"
+           includeantruntime="true">
+      <classpath refid="tomcat.test.classpath" />
+      <include name="org/apache/**" />
+      <include name="javax/**" />
+    </javac>
+    <copy todir="${test.classes}">
+        <fileset dir="test">
+          <include name="META-INF/**"/>
+        </fileset>
+    </copy>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Default JUnit log output formatter -->
+  <property name="junit.formatter.type" value="plain" />
+  <property name="junit.formatter.usefile" value="true" />
+  <property name="junit.formatter.extension" value=".txt" />
+  <!-- Workaround against -->
+  <available file="/dev/urandom" property="test.jvmarg.egd" 
+  <property name="test.jvmarg.egd" value="" />
+  <target name="test" description="Runs the JUnit test cases"
+          depends="test-bio,test-nio,test-apr" >
+    <fileset id="test.result.skippedtests" dir="${test.reports}" 
+      <not>
+        <contains text="Skipped: 0" />
+      </not>
+    </fileset>
+    <fileset id="test.result.failedtests" dir="${test.reports}" 
+      <not>
+        <contains text="Failures: 0, Errors: 0" />
+      </not>
+    </fileset>
+    <concat>
+      <header>Testsuites with skipped tests:${line.separator}</header>
+      <string>${toString:test.result.skippedtests}</string>
+      <filterchain>
+        <tokenfilter delimOutput="${line.separator}">
+          <stringtokenizer delims=";"/>
+        </tokenfilter>
+      </filterchain>
+    </concat>
+    <concat>
+      <header>Testsuites with failed tests:${line.separator}</header>
+      <string>${toString:test.result.failedtests}</string>
+      <filterchain>
+        <tokenfilter delimOutput="${line.separator}">
+          <stringtokenizer delims=";"/>
+        </tokenfilter>
+      </filterchain>
+    </concat>
+    <fail if="test.result.error" message='Some tests completed with an Error. 
See ${}/logs for details, search for "ERROR".' />
+    <fail if="test.result.failure" message='Some tests completed with a 
Failure. See ${}/logs for details, search for "FAILED".' />
+  </target>
+  <target name="test-bio" description="Runs the JUnit test cases for BIO. Does 
not stop on errors."
+          depends="test-compile,deploy" if="${}">
+    <runtests protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"
+              extension=".BIO" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="test-nio" description="Runs the JUnit test cases for NIO. Does 
not stop on errors."
+          depends="test-compile,deploy" if="${execute.test.nio}">
+    <runtests protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
+              extension=".NIO" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="test-apr" description="Runs the JUnit test cases for APR. Does 
not stop on errors."
+          depends="test-compile,deploy,test-apr-exists"
+          if="${apr.exists}">
+    <runtests protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol"
+              extension=".APR" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="test-apr-exists" description="Checks for APR lib"
+          if="${execute.test.apr}">
+    <available file="${test.apr.loc}" property="apr.exists" />
+  </target>
+  <macrodef name="runtests"
+            description="Runs the unit tests using the specified connector.
+              Does not stop on errors, but sets 'test.result.error' and 
'test.result.failure' properties.">
+    <attribute name="protocol"
+               description="The class name for the connector protocol"/>
+    <attribute name="extension"
+               description="The extension to use to distinguish the output"/>
+    <sequential>
+      <mkdir dir="${test.reports}" />
+      <junit printsummary="yes" fork="yes" dir="." showoutput="yes"
+        errorproperty="test.result.error"
+        failureproperty="test.result.failure"
+        haltonfailure="${test.haltonfailure}">
+        <jvmarg value="${test.jvmarg.egd}"/>
+        <jvmarg value="-Djava.library.path=${test.apr.loc}"/>
+        <jvmarg value="${test.formatter}"/>
+        <jvmarg 
+        <classpath refid="tomcat.test.classpath" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.temp" value="${test.temp}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.basedir" value="${test.basedir}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.tomcatbuild" value="${}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.protocol" value="@{protocol}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.accesslog" value="${test.accesslog}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.reports" value="${test.reports}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.openssl.path" 
value="${test.openssl.path}" />
+        <sysproperty key="tomcat.test.relaxTiming" value="${test.relaxTiming}" 
+        <formatter type="${junit.formatter.type}"
+                   usefile="${junit.formatter.usefile}"
+                   extension="@{extension}${junit.formatter.extension}" />
+        <!-- If test.entry is defined, run a single test, otherwise run all 
valid tests -->
+        <test todir="${test.reports}" name="${test.entry}"
+              if="test.entry" unless="test.entry.methods"
+           />
+        <test todir="${test.reports}" name="${test.entry}" 
+              if="test.entry.methods"
+           />
+        <batchtest todir="${test.reports}" unless="test.entry">
+          <fileset dir="test" >
+            <!-- Include all by default -->
+            <include name="${}" />
+            <!-- Exclude helper classes -->
+            <exclude name="**/Tester*.java" />
+            <!-- Exclude the tests known to fail -->
+            <exclude name="org/apache/catalina/tribes/test/**" />
+            <!-- Exclude performance tests. E.g. on systems with 
slow/inconsistent timing -->
+            <exclude name="**/*" 
if="${test.excludePerformance}" />
+          </fileset>
+        </batchtest>
+      </junit>
+    </sequential>
+  </macrodef>
   <!-- ================ Download and dependency building =================== 
   <target name="proxyflags">
@@ -856,6 +1022,19 @@
       <param name="destdir" value="${nsis.home}/.."/>
+    <!-- Libraries used for testing. JUnit, Hamcrest -->
+    <antcall target="downloadfile">
+      <param name="sourcefile" value="${junit.loc}"/>
+      <param name="destfile" value="${junit.jar}"/>
+      <param name="destdir" value="${junit.home}"/>
+    </antcall>
+    <antcall target="downloadfile">
+      <param name="sourcefile" value="${hamcrest.loc}"/>
+      <param name="destfile" value="${hamcrest.jar}"/>
+      <param name="destdir" value="${hamcrest.home}"/>
+    </antcall>
   <target name="build-tomcat-dbcp" unless="jdk16.present"

 Sat Jan  9 06:44:50 2016
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ import org.junit.Before;
 import org.apache.catalina.Container;
 import org.apache.catalina.Engine;
 import org.apache.catalina.Host;
+import org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle;
+import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleEvent;
 import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
 import org.apache.catalina.Manager;
 import org.apache.catalina.Server;
@@ -135,6 +137,8 @@ public abstract class TomcatBaseTest ext
             connector.setAttribute("pollerThreadCount", Integer.valueOf(1));
+            // FIXME: In Tomcat 6 Embedded.start() does not fire INIT_EVENT on 
+            listener.lifecycleEvent(new LifecycleEvent(server, 
         File catalinaBase = getTemporaryDirectory();
@@ -143,21 +147,21 @@ public abstract class TomcatBaseTest ext
         Host host = tomcat.createHost("localhost", appBase.getAbsolutePath());
-//        accessLogEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(
-//            System.getProperty("tomcat.test.accesslog", "false"));
-//        if (accessLogEnabled) {
-//            String accessLogDirectory = System
-//                    .getProperty("tomcat.test.reports");
-//            if (accessLogDirectory == null) {
-//                accessLogDirectory = new File(getBuildDirectory(), "logs")
-//                        .toString();
-//            }
-//            AccessLogValve alv = new AccessLogValve();
-//            alv.setDirectory(accessLogDirectory);
-//            alv.setPattern("%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %I %D");
-//            tomcat.getHost().getPipeline().addValve(alv);
-//        }
+        accessLogEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(
+            System.getProperty("tomcat.test.accesslog", "false"));
+        if (accessLogEnabled) {
+            String accessLogDirectory = System
+                    .getProperty("tomcat.test.reports");
+            if (accessLogDirectory == null) {
+                accessLogDirectory = new File(getBuildDirectory(), "logs")
+                        .toString();
+            }
+            AccessLogValve alv = new AccessLogValve();
+            alv.setDirectory(accessLogDirectory);
+            alv.setPattern("%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %I %D");
+            // tomcat.getHost().getPipeline().addValve(alv);
+            host.getPipeline().addValve(alv);
+        }
         // Cannot delete the whole tempDir, because logs are there,
         // but delete known subdirectories of it.

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