
We are planning on using a USB device that has keys for various vendors in a "private" area. The USB device can generate a session key based upon that secret vendor key. The Server can autogenerate that same session key. The session key does not have to be passed.

The external module communicates with the USB device. If the device is removed, communication cannot take place. When the module communicates with the USB device, it authenticates that the device belongs to the client, and then and only then will generate the session key for the vendor.

There is no authentication requried across the network only to the local USB device, something the client can take with him from machine to machine.

Currently I'm thinking of an extenstion to firefox that would be called by the browser when the session key is needed. That extension would provide the interface to the USB device.

Nothing would be transmitted across the network that can be used to generate the session key. The session key changes without human intervention. The uses only authenticates to the device that he carries with him. He doesn't leave any certificates behind that can be used by anyone else. This seems to be a very secure system that would be very hard to comprimise, as the keys are never on a client machine to intercept, and nothing can be intercepted that can be used to generate or guess at the key.

The USB token is already developed. It holds hundreds of unique vendor keys, handles AES-256, generates true random numbers and handles the secure communication required. We are working on the external module, now what we need is the PKS-TLS-AES Cipher.

We are thinking that this shouldn't be to hard to impliment, as the RFC 4279 clienthello and ServerHello are pretty much the same as standard TLS. After that it just passes and "identity" string back and forth. Then the module would provide the PSK to set up the communication and then it should be on autopilot.


Nelson B wrote:
Jay Potter wrote:

Hi, I'm new to NSS.  I'm involved with a project that uses Pre-Shared
Keys for TLS - AES-256. (RFC 4279).  I get the key from an external
module (both Client and Server).   This implementation would be perfect
for my application.  I would like to see Mozilla handle this cipher set.
Any suggestions on what I would need to do to get this implimented?

Jay, please tell us more about getting the PSK from an external module.

When the PSK proposal was put forth to the TLS WG, the vision given for
PSKs was that of passwords, pins, or other keys known to humans.  This
caused many TLS implementors to roll their eyes, and regard the PSK
idea as being on far less secure than the mechanisms normally used with

But if the PSK comes from an external module, and is not "static",
then perhaps it is worthy of more consideration.  So, please share
with us info about this module, and how it would communicate with
the application (electronically?  eyeballs and fingers?)

What (if any) User Interface impact would this have on a browser?
(I think the right answer, BTW, is "none", because the communication with
the module would be all electronic, not involving user participation.)

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