Re: [ajax] UIViewRoot and (optimized) custom lifecycle

2008-02-25 Thread Martin Marinschek
Bug in the spec ;)



On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  it can be the case, that this mail may be a bit long..., but the main
  question I think is:
  Is there a public getPhaseListeners() method missing on UIVIewRoot ?

  Some general information since JSF 1.2... there is a public
  addPhaseListener() on UIViewRoot.
  So you can register a PhaseListener with the current view root (per
  view) to have beforePhase and afterPhase called
  on these lifecycle phases:
  -Invoke App

  You can add such a PL (PhaseListener) via the mentioned Java API or:
  f:phaseListener type=blah.MyPL /
  (this internally uses the Java API )


  now when you render a page and do a (regular) postback the
  phaselistener (its methods...) is executed.

  Now the ajax scenario.

  Some libraries (like ADF Faces Rich Client or Apache MyFaces
  Tobago(not Trinidad ;-) )) offer a custom lifecycle to call the
  lifecycle methods (such as processXyz()) only
  on the components, that are part of the ajax postback (why doing a
  decode on not effected components?).

  we do it like:
  uiViewRoot.invokeOnComponent(context, clientId, callback);

  where the *callback* is something like:
  static private class UpdateModelValuesCallback implements ContextCallback
   public void invokeContextCallback(FacesContext context,
 UIComponent target)

  usually these *optimized* lifecycles offer optimization for these phases:

  not on:
  -Invoke App

  For these, we just do a delegate back to the standard (default) behavior, 

  So now the processXyz (like processUpdates()) is only! called on
  the ajax components!
  (Tobago does that in a similar way. They *fake* invokeOnComponent,
  since that lib is JSF 1.1 based)

  What does that mean, when submitting an ajax postback (maybe triggered
  by inputText autoSubmit=true /) ?
  The (to uiviewRoot) attached PL is only invoked for these phases:
  -Invoke App

  The big problem (IMO) is, that the PhaseListener(s) attached to the
  current (per view) UIViewRoot are *triggered* by the processXyz() of
  UIViewRoot itself (and encodeEnd and encodeBegin for RenderResponse phase).
  So... when only invoking them on the effected ajax components the
  before/afterPhase is never triggered (for the optimized phase).

  The optimized lifecycle could get the attached PhaseListeners, in case
  there where a public getPhaseListeners() method on UIViewRoot.
  I am wondering why there is none ? Simply forgotten?

  Please note, that (also since JSF 1.2) you can register methodExpression 
  f:view beforePhase=#{methodExpression} 

  but... there is acutally a public getBeforePhaseListener() and a
  getAfterPhaseListener() as well.
  So a optimized lifecycle could get these MethodExpressions.

  What is your take on that?

  Thanks for reading,

  Matthias Wessendorf

  further stuff:
  mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org


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[ajax] UIViewRoot and (optimized) custom lifecycle

2008-02-22 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

it can be the case, that this mail may be a bit long..., but the main
question I think is:
Is there a public getPhaseListeners() method missing on UIVIewRoot ?

Some general information since JSF 1.2... there is a public
addPhaseListener() on UIViewRoot.
So you can register a PhaseListener with the current view root (per
view) to have beforePhase and afterPhase called
on these lifecycle phases:
-Invoke App

You can add such a PL (PhaseListener) via the mentioned Java API or:
f:phaseListener type=blah.MyPL /
(this internally uses the Java API )


now when you render a page and do a (regular) postback the
phaselistener (its methods...) is executed.

Now the ajax scenario.

Some libraries (like ADF Faces Rich Client or Apache MyFaces
Tobago(not Trinidad ;-) )) offer a custom lifecycle to call the
lifecycle methods (such as processXyz()) only
on the components, that are part of the ajax postback (why doing a
decode on not effected components?).

we do it like:
uiViewRoot.invokeOnComponent(context, clientId, callback);

where the *callback* is something like:
static private class UpdateModelValuesCallback implements ContextCallback
  public void invokeContextCallback(FacesContext context,
UIComponent target)

usually these *optimized* lifecycles offer optimization for these phases:

not on:
-Invoke App

For these, we just do a delegate back to the standard (default) behavior, like:

So now the processXyz (like processUpdates()) is only! called on
the ajax components!
(Tobago does that in a similar way. They *fake* invokeOnComponent,
since that lib is JSF 1.1 based)

What does that mean, when submitting an ajax postback (maybe triggered
by inputText autoSubmit=true /) ?
The (to uiviewRoot) attached PL is only invoked for these phases:
-Invoke App

The big problem (IMO) is, that the PhaseListener(s) attached to the
current (per view) UIViewRoot are *triggered* by the processXyz() of
UIViewRoot itself (and encodeEnd and encodeBegin for RenderResponse phase).
So... when only invoking them on the effected ajax components the
before/afterPhase is never triggered (for the optimized phase).

The optimized lifecycle could get the attached PhaseListeners, in case
there where a public getPhaseListeners() method on UIViewRoot.
I am wondering why there is none ? Simply forgotten?

Please note, that (also since JSF 1.2) you can register methodExpression like:
f:view beforePhase=#{methodExpression} afterPhase=#{otherMethodExpression}

but... there is acutally a public getBeforePhaseListener() and a
getAfterPhaseListener() as well.
So a optimized lifecycle could get these MethodExpressions.

What is your take on that?

Thanks for reading,

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org