
I'm having problems with Kannel 1.2.1 when I use postgresql via libSDB
to store DLRs. When Kannel receives delivery reports from the SMSC
(EMI), it crashes.

I'm attaching some parts of my log files, the table for the dlr on
postgresql, and part of my configuration.

#SMS Kannel Configuration

group = core
dlr-storage = sdb

group = sdb-connection
id = mydlr
url = "postgres:host=<CUT>:db=<CUT>:port=<CUT>:user=<CUT>"

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-source = source
field-destination = destination
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status

group = smsc
smsc = emi2

group = smsbox

group = sms-service
keyword = default
text = "testing."
max-messages = 3
assume-plain-text = true

group = sendsms-user
2003-08-12 14:36:10 [6] DEBUG: EMI2[<CUT>]: Got packet from the main socket
2003-08-12 14:36:10 [6] DEBUG: EMI2[<CUT>]: emi2 parsing packet: 
2003-08-12 14:36:10 [6] DEBUG: Row has wrong length 1
2003-08-12 14:36:10 [6] PANIC: gwlib/list.c:425: lock: Assertion `list != NULL' failed.
     smsc varchar(40),
     ts varchar(40),
     source varchar(40),
     destination varchar(40),
     service varchar(40),
     url varchar(255),
     mask int,
     status int

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