Dear all,
I am trying to generate an overview of the configuration keys and their parents in the system. I am targetting at displaying which of the keys are enable and which are not.
I want to have the output exported to a fle or else printed.
I have 4 main questions:
1.Can someone explain me how I can export the output or indicate where I can find an example.
2. How can I print it?
3. The most difficult question I have is related to the Job I created. I have defined an Object parConfigurationKey based on the DictConfigurationKey. See below in the Job.
When I compile the job there are no errors. When I run the Job I get the error :
Error executing code: DictConfigurationKey object not initalized.
Stack trace:
\Jobs\..... line 39
What I am trying to accomplish is printing the name of the parentConfigurationKey for each ConfigurationKey.
4. I also need to built in somekind of a loop that prints the parents until it arrives at parent id 0. How can I does so, considering the above mentioned problems.
static void QryConfigurationKeys(Args _args)
Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary();
ConfigurationKeySet configurationKeySet = new ConfigurationKeySet();
DictConfigurationKey dictConfigurationKey;
DictConfigurationKey parConfigurationKey;

int cntCfgKey, cntCfgKeySet;

print "number of configuration keys: "+int2str(dictionary.configurationKeyCnt());

for (cntCfgKey=1; cntCfgKey<= dictionary.configurationKeyCnt();cntCfgKey++)
dictConfigurationKey = new DictConfigurationKey(dictionary.configurationKeyCnt2Id(cntCfgKey));

if ( like "*BOM*")
print Int2Str(dictionary.configurationKeyCnt2Id(cntCfgKey))
+ " "
+ " "
+ Enum2Str(dictConfigurationKey.enabled())
+ " "
+ dictConfigurationKey.label()
+ " "
+ Int2Str(dictConfigurationKey.parentConfigurationKeyId());

parConfigurationKey = new DictConfigurationKey(dictConfigurationKey.parentConfigurationKeyId());



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