This is another forward from Bill Kepner that he asked me to get out to the
listserve.  I've never heard of this group.  Has anyone else?  I'll get to
their site as soon as I get a chance.


>From Bill Kepner: 

Eric et al.

Thanks for the DH pupfish update. I'ld like to also point out that there is
a full-page ad in today's review journal (page 23A) promising good
intentions for the revision of the ESA.

The alliance is called Save Our Species out of Golden, Colo. However, their
byline appears to favor the update of the 30+ year ESA to make it
"friendlier to Americans (see website and excerpts below)."  Anybody know
anything about SOSA? 

Why This Matters

We believe we must make ESA friendlier to Americans

"We can and must do a better job of recovering endangered and threatened
species without endangering the jobs and livelihoods of American families.
Being effective does not have to come at the expense of our fellow Americans
and their jobs. We can and must protect both endangered species and people.
Common sense should be applied to help recover species and protect American

  • [no subject] Eric Gustafson
    • Re: Walter Courtenay
    • RE: Brittan, Martin R
    • Re: Doug_Duncan
      • Re: Timothy_C_Frey

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