[Dharmajala] Re: belajar jadi detektif

2006-06-01 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
PROTECTED] wrote: Hahahaha... eh bro.. tinggal di spore juga ya? dimana?sering pergi ke vihara mana bro? Cheers, Purnama Sidhi Tsukudu wrote: Harap di mengerti Bro purnama Siddhi, Di sebarkan disini bukan untuk menjatuhkan. akan tetapi memberi pelajaran bahwa org yg iseng itu dah

[Dharmajala] Re: belajar jadi detektif

2006-06-01 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Iya, Saya pun baca tulisan ini. Juga tidak ada statement harus dibalas. ataupun di komentari. Tsukudu Mobile: + 84909240875 --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Purnama Sidhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Bro, Sorry... saya tadi baru ja baca ulang emailnya.. dan g tidak melihat statement

[Dharmajala] Re: belajar jadi detektif

2006-05-30 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
nama / suspect. Belum saya telusuri lebih lanjut. Soal mau di bawa ke Polisi ya itu urusan Pengurus Vihara yg kena di sebutkan namanya. dan org org yg terkena dampaknya. terima kasih Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Purnama Sidhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear bro.., jangan

[Dharmajala] Re: belajar jadi detektif

2006-05-28 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Mendingan di sebarin saja siapa pelakunya ? biar ngak ada polemik dan saling tuduh menuduh ? atau mgkn malah iseng kelompok tertentu. atau mgkn juga kelompok yg menebar untuk menjatuhkan seseorang. Ayo dong kasih tau dong. Thank you Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Purnama

KLARIFIKASI !!!! (WAS : Re: [Dharmajala] Pengumuman dari saya dan mohon disebarluaskan)

2006-05-24 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Saya mengutuk keras atas tulisan itu. Siapa pun pelakunya pasti akan menemukan karma yang berat. TSUKUDU --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Vera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear all, MOHON PERHATIAN EMAIL INI ( .replbq{width:100%} var LetterVals = { UIStrings : { __last

[Dharmajala] Re: Apa yg salah yaaah ???

2006-05-03 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
gimana mau belajar agama Buddha. Tsukudu. --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, hanry uttamo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Bro and Sis, Saya kira ini karena masalah WAKTU ,kita semua masih tahap belajar dan memulai sehingga mencari bentuk yang pas. Kalau diringkas -ringkas selama jadi pengurus

[Dharmajala] Re: Apa yg salah yaaah ???

2006-05-03 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
--- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, hanry uttamo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sdr Tsukudu, Benar juga. memang ngak ada masalah ya Lain kali kalau ada umat di Jakarta yang butuh dibesuk dan bacakan paritta dan kheng anda bantu ya.Cuma urusan sepele, hanya butuh komitmen datang saja. Tsukudu [EMAIL

[Dharmajala] Re: Apa yg salah yaaah ???

2006-05-03 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
malah balik tanya komitmen saya mengenai masalah pengalaman anda? Kalau spt ini sharing saling mencerahkan dan cari solusi ngak tercapai. Saya sudahi dulu, pulsa telkomnet mahal. Bye juga Tsukudu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dah ikutan terus disepak orang. Organisasinya

Re: Balasan: [Dharmajala] Apa yg salah yaaah ???

2006-05-01 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Kalo Salah sama orang harus minta maaf. Jangan di anggap remeh. Apalagi dituduh yang ngak ngak. Ngak bisa gaul lah. Karma elo lah. Salah elo sendiri kenapa elo kaga tegor mereka disana ( balikin g yg kurang baik) Thank you Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Benny Wu [EMAIL

[Dharmajala] To Be Considerate

2006-01-10 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Today's Inspiration: January 11 - Between Ignorance and Enlightenment To Be ConsiderateÏ໥ówՏ By Venerable Master Hsing Yun ¡¡ The most precious friendship between people is not simply built on having fun together, but rather on trust, understanding, tolerance, and consideration for

[Dharmajala] Re: Fwd: Siapa yang akan menghancurkan Agama Buddha?

2006-01-06 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Bagi saya hal ini tidaklah mengherankan. Agama Buddha bukan seperti Agama Kristen yang simple. Percaya Jesus semuanya jadi beres, ngak perlu ngapa-ngapain. Sedangkan menjadi Buddhies Percaya saja tidak dapat menolong, harus melatih diri dan melawan batin. Tidaklah mudah. --- In

[Dharmajala] Faith is Treasure - Ven Master Hsing Yun

2005-06-20 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Faith is Treasure Once upon a time, a philosopher was swimming in a lake when all of a sudden, a current pulled him under. As he frantically struggled to stay afloat, a thought entered his mind: "I am a philosopher, so I should not panic when faced with a life and death situation."

[Dharmajala] Go Go To Africa

2005-06-20 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Resource : www.nanhua.co.za Rev, l. Pannesekara Thero. M.AChief Monk for the African continentOn behalf of Tanzania and Africa he gave a talk about the history of Buddhism in Africa. The main idea is: ¡§The Buddhist monks should be sent to Africa and sacrifice themselves to propagate

[Dharmajala] Re: Faith is Treasure - Ven Master Hsing Yun

2005-06-20 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Shan mana yang anda kunjungi ? Akhir kata, Belajar dulu deh bahasa inggeris yang benar. Inggeris anda masih pake kamus. waktu naik mobil dengan Bule. ngomong sama bule , Ganti Gigi biar bisa cepat ! Gigi diartikan ke inggeris teeth. alhasil orang Bule itu ngakak. So stupid this guy ! Tsukudu

[Dharmajala] Re: intermezzo : email

2005-06-20 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Dear Moderator milis Dharmajala, Setau saya Milis Dharamjala telah memperkenalkan diri siapa saja yang menjadi moderator Milis Dharmajala. Apakah orang ini termasuk moderator ? apakah Moderator Milis Dharmajala tidak dilangkahi ? terima kasih Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com

[Dharmajala] Understanding Time

2005-06-18 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Understanding Time Between Ignorance and Enlightenmentby_Venerable Master Hsing Yun As we cross the threshold into the millennium, more and more people have begun to ponder the question of time. According to reports, the United States has spent millions of dollars to build an

[Dharmajala] Habitual Tendencies and Habits - Ven Master Hsing Yun

2005-06-17 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Habitual Tendencies and Habits Venerable Master Hsing Yun @ @ Every person has habitual tendencies and actions. While habitual tendencies are usually neutral, for example, one can enjoy eating, sleeping, shopping, or looking good; habits on the other hand, can be good or bad. For

[Dharmajala] Fwd: Religion is not the Truth - Ven. Man Ya

2005-06-15 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
TSUKUDU - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 23:56:39 -0700 (PDT)From: TSUKUDU - [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Religion is not the Truth - Ven. Man YaTo: Jimmy Lominto [EMAIL PROTECTED] Religion is not the Truth By Ven Man Ya Resource : www.nanhua.co.za

[Dharmajala] Protecting Our Environment

2005-06-14 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Dear Dharma Friends, Some say the 21st century is the century of environmental protection. It is easy to see why. Environmental pollution and ecological destruction have reached a point that they are serious threats to the health of mankind. The 1992 summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

[Dharmajala] Re: kebingungan menjawab..mohon bantuan

2005-06-12 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
seperti Sdr Yamin katakan Egois, dan mengambing hitamkan Karma. menakuti nakuti, dll. Dan dalam Buddhies sendiri ada sebuah segment yang paling hebat yaitu yang paling pandai biasanya diam. Sedangkan yang paling bodoh biasanya paling pandai koar koar, bongkar sana bongkar sini. TSUKUDU

[Dharmajala] The Most Important Teaching

2005-06-10 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Most Important Teaching A renowned Zen master said that his greatest teaching was this: Buddha is your own mind. So impressed by how profound this idea was, one monk decided to leave the monastery and retreat to the wilderness to meditate on this insight. There he spent 20 years

[Dharmajala] The Moon Cannot Be Stolen

2005-06-10 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Moon Cannot Be Stolen ¡@ A Zen Master lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening, while he was away, a thief sneaked into the hut only to find there was nothing in it to steal. The Zen Master returned and found him. "You have come

[Dharmajala] Re: Why are there many Buddhist traditions ?

2005-06-09 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Park kor see di Singapore. juga dibagikan secara gratis. Terima kasih Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Ika Polim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Bro, Klo Tidak Salah Tulisan Anda Ini Sudah Ada Terjemahan Indonesianya, Gratis Lagi Di Bagi2 kan. Judul Indonesianya MEMBUKA WAWASAN

[Dharmajala] Fwd: Re: Pengusaha Buddhis

2005-06-09 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
jadi Bhiksu dan Bhiksuni, malah lebih mengerti hidup ini. dan Pengertian Dharmanya semakin meningkat. Kita harus banyak belajar dari mereka. Thank you Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, EasyCoolSmart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks khususnya utk yg cerai patah hati. Akhirnya

[Dharmajala] Alara Kalama dan Uddaka Ramaputta

2005-06-09 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
ng menjadi pertanyaan saya, apa yang tidak atau belum dimengerti oleh petapa Alara Kalama dan Uddaka Ramaputta ? Terima kasih Tsukudu DISCOVERING THE DHARMA. By : Master Hsing Yun Some People believe dharma to be profound, Som

[Dharmajala] The Value of Travel

2005-06-09 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Value of Travel Between Ignorance and Enlightenmentby_Venerable Master Hsing Yun Travel is very popular in modern society, which is beneficial for as the saying goes, "One should study ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles of road." Not only can travel enrich our

[Dharmajala] Re: The Reality of Supernatural Powers

2005-06-08 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
ini. ok. Terima kasih Tsukudu not a great people. --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Ika Polim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dearest Bro TSUKUDU, Baik, Anda Terlihat Fair Dalam Hal Ini, Trims. Saya Cuma Berusaha Utk Melihat Sesuatu Dgn Lebih MEMBUMI , Jadi Bukan Sifat Saya Utk Menganalisa

[Dharmajala] Re: The Reality of Supernatural Powers

2005-06-08 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
ini. ok. Terima kasih Tsukudu not a great people. --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Ika Polim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dearest Bro TSUKUDU, Baik, Anda Terlihat Fair Dalam Hal Ini, Trims. Saya Cuma Berusaha Utk Melihat Sesuatu Dgn Lebih MEMBUMI , Jadi Bukan Sifat Saya Utk Menganalisa

[Dharmajala] Accepting Hardships and Blame

2005-06-08 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Accepting Hardships and Blame Venerable Master Hsing Yun We all need to work in order to live, and in the course of doing so, we need to be capable and wise. However, what we need most is to be able to accept hardship and blame. Most people can take hardships, but to be able to

[Dharmajala] The Value of Giving

2005-06-08 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Value of Giving Between Ignorance and Enlightenmentby_Venerable Master Hsing Yun In this world, the wealthy are those who give freely to others. The poor are those who covet only for themselves. Generally speaking, it is easier to provide for oneself than it is for others;

[Dharmajala] Fwd: Re: Pengusaha Buddhis

2005-06-08 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
Orang-orangan yang disawah juga memutar roda dharma. karena tanpa mereka. Kita sangat sulit mendapat makanan. Jagung, Padi bisa disikat sama Burung Burung. Katanya Dharma yang membumi. he he he. --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, EasyCoolSmart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tapi maksudnya

[Dharmajala] Gan En ( Rasa Bersyukur)

2005-06-07 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
18. Mempersembahkan Dupa Dengan rasa terima kasih, kami mempersembahkan dupa ini Kepada semua Buddha dan Bodhisatva Melampaui tempat dan waktu. Semoga semerbaknya akan meliputi bumi. Yang merefleksikan usaha yang hati-hati, Dengan kesadaran sepenuh hati, Dan buah pengertian akan tumbuh secara

[Dharmajala] Re: The Reality of Supernatural Powers

2005-06-07 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
, rileks. saya yakin anda menemukan jawaban anda. Dan maksud dari tulisan Master Hsin Yun. Salam kasih. Semoga anda berbahagia selalu. Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Ika Polim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Bro TSUKUDU, Very Thanks To The Paper You Brought In; Dari Contoh2 Yang

[Dharmajala] The Doors and Windows of the Mind

2005-06-07 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Doors and Windows of the Mind The doors and windows of the mind sometimes need to be open; at other times, they need to be closed. Similarly, physical doors and windows need to be open and closed at different times. We have to shut them tightly when thieves may be loitering

[Dharmajala] Build An Excellent Relationship

2005-06-05 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
At the time, my mother was eighty-five. She lived alone in Belfast, Nothern Ireland, and had suffered a heart attack. My Father had passed away sixteen years before, and being the only child in the family, I was concerned. My Biggest fear was not knowing how serious the situation really was.

[Dharmajala] sepuluh noda dari pandangan terang (part-1)

2005-06-05 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
2. Sepuluh Noda dari Pandangan Terang. (Dasa Vipassan Upakkilesa) Dari tahap Pengetahuan dengan Pemahaman, sampai kepada tahap awal Pengetahuan mengenai Muncul dan Lenyap, si Meditator mengetahui adanya peningkatan kemampuan untuk bermeditasi tanpa kesulitan. Pikiran gelisah menjadi lenyap,

[Dharmajala] Meninggal Bukan Berarti Pergi

2005-06-05 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Sungguh merupakan suatu kebijaksannan yang benar dan mendalam untuk belajar melihat sesuatu dalam istilah perwujudan. Jika seseorang yang sangat dekat dengan anda. Meninggal dunia dan anda menyatakan ia telah hilang, anda salah. Dari tanpa seseorang tidaklah bisa melahirkan seseorang. Dari

[Dharmajala] Why are there many Buddhist traditions ?

2005-06-03 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Why are there many Buddhist Traditions ? The Buddha gave a wide variety of teaching because sentient beings (any being with mind who is not a Buddha, including those in other realms of existence) have different dispositions, inclinations and interests. The Buddha never expected us all to

[Dharmajala] Practicing Dharma in Daily Life

2005-06-02 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Practicing Dharma in Daily Life: Waking Up Eating and Drinking Enjoying Sense Objects Making Offerings on the Altar Working Bathing Sleeping Waking Up In the morning when you wake up, visualize the Buddha on the crown of your head and think, "How fortunate I am that so far I have

[Dharmajala] What's tje Meaning of Life ?

2005-06-01 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Realisation: What's the Meaning of Life?Once upon a time, there wasa very small boy called Zeph, who wondered much about the very large world he lived in. After his first day ata new school (which he didn't like), being surrounded by strangers in a strange land, it struck him that life could be

[Dharmajala] To Take Care of Our Thoughts

2005-06-01 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
To Take Care of Our Thoughts ·ÓÅU©ÀÀY Venerable Master Hsing Yun ¡@ ¡@Life as a human is really not easy, for in addition to taking care of oneself one also needs to take care of family, friends, and society. Therefore, in the vastness of humanity, when one has to look after

[Dharmajala] To Never Retire

2005-05-31 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
To Never Retire ¥Ã¤£°h¥ð Venerable Master Hsing Yun ¡@ ¡@No matter where we live in this world or whom we work for, be it public service or private enterprise, there are retirement systems. Because of the several decades of life we dedicate to work, day in and day out, it is only

[Dharmajala] To Make Friends With Enemies

2005-05-30 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
To Make Friends with Enemies Venerable Master Hsing Yun ¡@ In society, we have friends as well as enemies. Enemies are not only those we confront on the battlefield where both sides set out to destroy one another. There are enemies in business, adversaries in the same occupation,

[Dharmajala] Re: Kesaksian di Buddhis

2005-05-29 Terurut Topik Tsukudu
. Bahwa Berkah dan Musibah adalah Ilusi dan Maya. Dan orang orang yang mengerti ini adalah orang orang yang mencapai Uppeka (seimbangan batin) Tsukudu --- In Dharmajala@yahoogroups.com, Huangdi_98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: kesaksian ? hehehehehehehehehe kesaksian kalu sebut Namo Omitofo waktu

[Dharmajala] The Difference Between Knowing About Knowing

2005-05-29 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Excerpt:The Difference Between "Knowing About" "Knowing"Wisdom has nothing to do with intellectual knowledge. Intellectual knowledge can be very helpful. It can clarify things. But there is an enormous difference between "knowing about" and "knowing." Knowing has a sense of direct experience.

[Dharmajala] To Reform Oneself

2005-05-26 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
To Reform Oneself ¦Û§Ú§ï² Venerable Master Hsing Yun When a table is broken, it needs to be fixed; when a shirt is torn, it needs to be mended; when the roof is leaking, it needs to be patched; and when a road is wrecked, it needs to be repaired. Similarly, we need to change and

[Dharmajala] Advice for Newcomers to the Dharma

2005-05-20 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Advice for Newcomers to the Dharma by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron© I remember well my initial years in the Dharma, trying to figure out how I was supposed to act in Dharma centers, in monasteries, and with monastics. Figuring out what to study and practice was no easier. And learning to work

[Dharmajala] Practicing Buddhism in Daily Life

2005-05-20 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Practicing Buddhism in Daily Lifeby Venerable Thubten Chodron© Spiritual Life and Daily Life Many people have the misconception that spiritual life or religious life is somewhere up there in the sky -- an ethereal or mystical reality -- and that our everyday life is too mundane and not so

[Dharmajala] To Think Positively

2005-05-17 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
To Think Positively Venerable Master Hsing Yun Humans are thinking animals! Since the beginning of time, there have always been people who fantasize, who have delusions, who dream and many who have ideals. When we lie in our beds at night, we should be free from worry. Yet thoughts

[Dharmajala] The Wrong Friends

2005-05-11 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Wrong Friends ¤£·íªºªB¤Í The ancients said, "If one is to learn without friends, then one will become isolated and unlearned." The honorable will make friends based on principles, and the dishonorable will base friendships on advantages. People are always connected to their

[Dharmajala] The Enemies of Life

2005-05-08 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
The Enemies of Life Enemies are those who oppose us, who obstruct us, who want to harm or even destroy us. However, the real enemy is our own selves. Why are we our own enemy? When we are lazy, laziness is our enemy; when we hate, hatred is our enemy; when we are selfish, selfishness is

[Dharmajala] Kata kata Bagus untuk diresapi

2005-04-29 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Salah Satu masalah yang timbul ketika anda sukses adalah Bahwa Iri Hati dan kecemburuan mengikuti tanpa bisa anda hindari. Ada orang orang- Saya menyebutnya pecundang pecundang kehidupan yang memperoleh rasa keberhasilan mereka dengan mencoba menghentikan orang orang lain (Donald

[Dharmajala] Discovering The Dharma

2005-04-11 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.To make all your friend feel that there is something in them.To look at

[Dharmajala] Fwd: [TDE-Weekly] Saying Sorry

2005-03-31 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
NamoAmituofo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To: NamoAmituofo [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: NamoAmituofo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 16:39:44 +0800 Subject: [TDE-Weekly] Secret Treasure| Repentance?| Silverscreen Samsara| Inequality of Karma| Saying Sorry| Bodhisattva Greater than Buddha?

[Dharmajala] Bodhisatva

2005-03-08 Terurut Topik TSUKUDU -
What is a bodhisattva, a dedicated being ? A Bodhisattva is being who spontaneously and continuously has the wish to attain enlightenment for benefit of sentient beings. By practicing the path, such a person will attain the state of Buddhahood. There are different levels bodhisattvas,