Monday Morning ~ Gracias Claude and Andy ~ Today is a full moon for October!  
The life that I live in is a real life and every time I go outside I know I am 
in a war zone. I live in the inner city in Downtown Sacramento where death is 
not a shocker.
 I do not walk outside into the streets thinking I am in the best of all 
possible worlds
with butterflys fluttering around my heart, I know better. Drive-by shootings 
are not
 an unusual freak phenomena around here.

Plus, keep in mind that I am the Moderator for a few progressive groups and 
sometimes I post to them when I post to the DDN Group. Some of my Members
 I have known online for years now, sometimes we talk on the phone and a 
few I have met in person. So it is not as anonymous as may first seem apparent 
and humor is a quality I have to help me cope with the seriousness of life.

 I will sometimes CC or BCC to others postings from the DDN Group in the hope 
that they will see a bigger picture of what is happenng online. Some of us are 
isolated because of disability or live in rural areas... so I try to keep them 
'in the loop'.
I might choose a larger bold font to make it easier for certain people to 
 read what I write better. And I do not want to scare anyone off from joining in
with a Group because they feel they are not astute, clver or smart enough with 
degrees after their names
I also work with recoverng dope addicts and sometimes we lose people to their 
chemical addiction either through re-entry into prison, them 'going out' back 
into a self-destructive lifestyle or on occasion one dies from a drug overdose. 
Many of 
us are fightng the drug war on a daily constnat basis. So life for me is never 
 very smooth business, but I do love life among the living!

I see the blogs and blogging as growing exponentially as it brings about more 
and more worldwide connections and interconnections. I love the Internet 
of its capability of bringing people together from all over the world and from 
different cultures who never ever would known of each other without the 
Communication Powers of the Internet. 

We find 'kindred spirits' and combat isolation via the Internet, though nothing 
replaces eye-to-eye and face-to-face conversational communictions.  

However, we must keep in mind that the text word alone on a computer screen
leaves much to be desired as we cannot fully convey with only text word our 
tones, our emotions, our states-of-mind. But is try... I do try. The beauty of 
life is in its diversity and the power of life is in its harmony.
Help Build Bridges, Not Borders!
Peter S. Lopez ~Field Coordinator and Cyber Cadet
Sacramento, Califas, USA

P.S. ~~~

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Claude Almansi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andy Carvin wrote:
> Hi Claude,
> I think this was intended as a play on the expression, "Greetings, space 
> cadets," which is in itself a reference to the old Space Cadet radio 
> show. A somewhat obscure American cultural reference, in no way intended 
> as connected with actual military cadets.

Oops, thanks for the explanation, Andy - and my apologies for the 
misunderstanding, Peter: apart my ignorance of American culture, the 
recurring war theme in your post also bent my (mis)understanding of the 



Claude Almansi
Castione, Switzerland
claude.almansi @

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Fight Back Against Amerikan Fascism! 
Peter S. Lopez~Field Coordinator 
Sacramento, Califas, USA

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