Andy Carvin wrote:

> If you have a blog, here's what you can do. Sometime tomorrow, take a
> break from whatever it is you usually blog about, and post something
> constructive related to disaster relief. You can keep it topical to
> your blog: for example, if you usually blog about pets, blog about
> Noah's Wish or another entity working to rescue and reunite
> hurricane-affected pets with their families. Or, you can just dedicate
> blog space to listing websites where people can donate money (maybe
> even challenge people to match your donation), or share a story of a
> hurricane survivor. This goes for photo bloggers, podcasters and video
> bloggers as well - there's no reason why this should be text-only.

How To Make Sure You Can Charge Your Cell Phone In An Emergency.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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