Dear Colleagues,

The next Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is
scheduled for 2007, with 60 countries signed up to participate
( Ina Mullis and Michael Martin, the co-directors of the
International Studies Center @ Boston College, are directing this study. They 
eager to receive your suggestions for questions to be considered for inclusion 
the TIMSS2007 surveys. There are three levels of surveys: students (grades 4 and
8), their teachers, and their schools.

I am sending this message to the wwwedu and digital divide lists, because I 
you can suggest useful questions relating to the specific roles of technology in
education that have not been included in past surveys.

For those not familiar with TIMSS, it is structured to produce a sample of
students representative of each participating country. Thus, it will be possible
to get insight into the roles and uses of technology if appropriate questions 

Technology questions have been limited in number and scope. Students have been
asked about the presence of computers in the home; access to the use of 
at home and school, at home only, at school only, at places other than homes and
schools, and no access. In the U.S., only 1% of the students sampled do not use
computers at all. The highest mathematics and science performances are observed
among students who use computers both at home and at school, with the following
decreasing performance: use at home, use at school, use other than home/school,
no use of computers.

Thank you in advance for considering this request to suggest questions that can
help us gain a deeper and more concrete understanding of the roles of technology
in mathematics and science education.  

I hope to hear from you by Friday, September 9, to allow me time to collate your
responses to forward to Ina and Mick.

Thanks again.

Patsy Wang-Iverson
cell: 609.532.0292

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