
I had my 1st THOR4 contact the other day on 30meters. I did not know much about 
it. The QSO would not have happened if I had not RSID for receive turned on. I 
was a very interesting experience. It is very slow but the ops use cw short 
hand lingo to go faster. They seem to like it because it has FEC by default and 
is a narrow band mode about the same as CW. It is very good at very weak 
signals and a lot of noise. The program I use (Fldigi)has many speeds for THOR 
(4,5,8,11,16,22) so you can go faster if the band gets better. I think this 
mode is going to start to be a popular mode for weak signal work. The guy I 
qso'd with uses it to contact Europe at times like now during low sunspot 
activity. It is the only mode he uses for weak signal work because he cq near 
the psk ops where he can be seen and because it is not wide he does not bother 

I am going to CQDX this weekend and see if I can contact anyone in Europe.

Have any of you guys had experienc with THOR?
How do you compare it with DominoEX and Olivia?

Warren - K5WGM

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