Hello Brian and the group,

I am new to this group as well, and also have a couple of queries of my 

First, some comments regarding the observations of Brian K3KO:
I am also a little puzzled as to the worthiness of JT65A on 20m. Most of the 
few contacts I have had have also been quite audible, and could have easily 
been conducted on RTTY.
Not only that, but RTTY (or PSK31) would have been far quicker, and could have 
carried far more info.

As yet, I have heard NOTHING on 10m, where JT65A may be of some use at this 
stage of the solar cycle.

Like Brian, I am seeing stations that are S9+ on the meter showing up at -6dB.
So far, all the contacts I have monitored have usually been EU to EU contacts 
that have taken up bandwidth for no apparent gain from the mode.

My own query is what are you guys putting in the log for an RST for JT65A 
It seems to me that 599 is not quite right, but then again, nor is OOO.
And what about LoTW submissions?
How do you get LoTW to handle JT65A?

73 for now


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