I have updated the DRCC numbers database and allocated numbers to
those requests that have been received in the past week.  If you
requested a number and have not heard back from me (or do not see your
callsign in the database), please email me.  I installed a new spam
filter and I may have lost a request or two, hopefully not.

After some preening, I have FIVE DRCC numbers below 100 that are still
unassigned, numbers below 100 will count as multipliers in the January
JT65A Crawl and also the January1 2008 Olivia contest.  If you plan on
operating the contest and would like to exchange your higher number
for a number below 100, please email me.  If you do not have a DRCC
number and would like one below 100, email me.

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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