I am not sure how many folks here are aware, but the ARRL's "Triple
Play" concept (see  
http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/12/05/10490/ ) and the LOTW sked
page that I set up (  see http://www.obriensweb.com/sked/   click on
LOTW) is turning out to be quite a lot of fun.

The idea is to work all USA states on SSB, CW, and "digital".  I am
not in it to really complete WAS on all three modes , and I have my
WAS-Mixed award already.  However, it is fun to check in to the very
busy sked page and work some of the guys looking for states.  Most of
the guys seem to choose an old mode called "RTTY" for the digital
award with others choosing the old standby , PSK31.  You won't find
anyone wanting to try ALE400 or bursting in to RFSM , but it is fun on
a cold winter evening.  Heck, I even used something called a
microphone to give a couple of guys a needed state !

Check in at http://www.obriensweb.com/sked/   click on LOTW)


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