I have decided to start a yahoo group specific to ALE.  There is already a 
Yahoo Group that is dedicated to PC-ALE in the form of HFLINK.  This site is 
full of many very helpful hams but   I am frustrated by the almost clandestine 
approach that this Yahoo group takes.  The group is heavily moderated and 
access to PC-ALE requires membership to the yahoo group.  While the owner of 
that group is free to run their group in any way they want,  I feel that this 
approach is simply stifling the growth of ALE on HF and essentially making ALE 
via PC-ALE a private ham mode under control of one ham.

I hope that one day the HFLINK will have less restrictive , more public domain, 
practices and an "Open ALE" Yahoo Group will not be required.

The new group is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ALEradio

Discussion of ALE for hams and SWL's using PC-ALE and/pr Multipsk 

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