Article about Olivia digital mode slated for December QST magazine
    Posted by: "garylinnrobinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED] garylinnrobinson
    Date: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:33 pm ((PDT))

For anyone who may be interested there will be an article in the
December 2008 issue of QST about the Olivia digital mode. It is a
general information article and it is hoped that it will help create
more Olivia activity on the ham bands

The article is called "Ghost QSO's -- Olivia Returns from the Noise"
Subtitle "Olivia -- the magic mode"

Worth reading (though I'm biased since I wrote it) if you are at all
interested in quality digital qso's!

Also - On my web site I have posted versions (based off of FLDigi
3.03AB) of FLDigiROL - my own modified version.  There are binaries
for WIndows, Linux (compiled on Kubuntu 8.04), and source code
available. These are beta versions and have very little in the way of
documention hi hi!

They will be updated in the future when FLDigi stabilizes and not so
many bug fix and updates come out so often.

I have made modifications and added features that suit me so it may
NOT suit anyone else's taste. But they are available for anyone to
look at on :


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