Your two-cents worth is money well spent, I agree, David.

Andy K3UK

--- In, Dave Wright <hfradio...@...> wrote:
> Andy,
> Just two-cents worth here.  ALE400 forces the user into one software package
> and operating system at the expense of others.  Of course, there is
> virtualization technologies to help with that, but unless ALE400 gets more
> widely adopted it likely isn't the answer as a specified signal of interest
> in any amateur band.
> Of course, I like where you are going with that....I'd much rather see
> multiple channels of narrow-band ALE in the bandwidth of one normal ALE
> signal.
> Another proposal might be to limit the ALE (and Pactor III that was
> proposed) to only one of the 60m channels, while allowing voice on all the
> others.  I think PSK31 was also proposed, but I suspect that it was included
> simply to throw people off of the trail of ARRL's 60m EMCOMM grab.
> The problem with trying to setup 60m as an EMCOMM band (supporting ALE,
> Pactor III and the like) is that on 60m, we are second class citizens.  The
> same characteristics that make 60m attractive to hams during an emergency
> make it attractive to the government as well.  As long as we have to operate
> on a not-to-interfere basis, 60m will never be a viable EMCOMM band.  FEMA,
> DHS, MARS, and others will grab all of the spectrum and there will be no
> room left for amateurs during a true regional or nationwide emergency. We
> already see that with the request to move one of the 60m frequencies due to
> continuing interference from a permanent station on the freq.  I'm sure all
> of our other frequencies have government-authorized users that WILL show up
> during an emergency, effectively removing one or more channels on a regional
> or even nationwide basic.
> Dave

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