Proposed bands:

80, 40, 20, 15 and 10

Band segments: above the present PSK segments

Proposed time: 1200 - 2400 UTC

Proposed modes: 500/16 and  250/8 (this would allow the use of DM780 as well as 
Multipsk, FLDigi), no 1000/x

proposed day: Saturday

Proposed date: no conflict with TARA, EPC or any RTTY contest (but not too late 
to use the good spring conditions)

Proposed data exchange: 599+number (not very innovative but simple)


Juergen, DL8LE

--- In, "Andrew O'Brien" <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> I have received a suggestion that this group hold another Olivia mode 
> contest/activity.  I am interested in  receiving further suggestions for this 
> .  Since past contests that I have organized have taken up a lot of time  and 
> have been subjected to glitches with emailed cabrillo files, I will make any 
> new contests use simple on-line submission forms, similar to those used by 
> TARA.  
> Anyone have suggested format and time period that would facilitate good 
> involvement from Europe, NA, SA, and the rest of the planet ?   Single band ? 
>  just 2 bands ? 
> Andy K3UK

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