At 03:14 PM 3/26/2007, Dave, AA6YQ wrote in part:

>The reason we don't seen hundreds of PSKMail servers confronting 
>WinLink is that there isn't much interest in sending email over HF.

Just when does a piece of ARRL type traffic becomes email?

Once upon a time between 068 and 075 the band was full of pactor
PMBO's. with a Amtor here and there. Them came PSK and some 
idiot said let's operator right in the middle of them. And the complaining 
and bitching started and to this date has NEVER stopped. Some will
not let it.

It just amazes me how many has bad comments about pactor
but never ever in a day in their live seen it or operated it,   why ?
Maybe because it requires a special box. 

Having said my mind let me put my moderator hat on.
This thread and "ARRL Ad Hoc HF Digital" is now over, reason-
we beat this horse 5 or 6 times last year. And the year before that.
There has NOT been a new thing added since then.

If you have something to say about this do it direct.
My email address is in the header.

John, W0JAB

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