With the capability to cut and paste a received message from MT-63 and
send it out via Winlink, the 10 second turn around is very close to
simultaneous operation.
If you want to make things difficult for your self, or discourage others
from using the available transport layers, you can advocate having 3
rigs and as many antennas.
Here is an example of a complete Transportable outfit for rapid
A single antenna (DX-CC, BW-90, Screwdriver on a tripod, etc.) is all
that is necessary.
The setup above allows voice, sound card modes, External DSP controlled
modes (Pactor III being the main one), has manual tuner with bypass
The rig covers from 160m to 70cm.  
A separate UHF/VHF setup would be a nice addition to the setup above.  
A FT-8900 to a quad band tripod mounted antenna, would be the icing on
the cake.

-----Original Message-----
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:digitalra...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of chas
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 12:27 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: [digitalradio] Hook up TNC and Soundcard to same radio?

Signalink USB
Timewave PK232 USB, etc
Thinkpad T-41 Doze XP Pro

how do I hook this up so that I can run Olivia/MT63 or whatever at the 
same time this thing is trying to go Peer to Peer and is being driven 
freqency wise by Automatic freq control software?
I suppose that the AFC will have to be disconnected or disabled and 
Pactor will be set to run on the ...

I just don't see how you can run Pactor on the same radio as soundcard 
and at the same time.

it is also obvious that this setup is not going to allow HF SSB as 
long as this stuff is turned on, nicht?

so, a deployed station is going to have to have as many as three 
radios and as many antennas.???


ch...@texas. <mailto:chasm%40texas.net> net k5dam Houston, TX

Orwell -- "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping 
on a human face - forever."


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