Hey folks,

I was just helping a friend out with her WinXP system. She wanted to use an application called WebShots, which allows uploading photos to the web. It supported a proxy setting, but didn't support authentication. After a bit of mucking around, I realised that given we were both on the same network, Authoxy could help her out.

So I made a very quick change to the code to allow connections from computers other than the localhost, had her change her proxy setting to my computer, and she was away! Of course, as far as the upstream proxy is concerned, all the traffic is coming from my computer, so the potential for abuse is certainly there. But does anyone think this would be a useful feature? I've been asked on a number of occasions whether there is a solution for Windows or OS 9, and it seems that as long as you have an OS X system on the same network, that this is a solution of sorts.

Any comments?
|   Heath Raftery    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             |
|   HRSoftWorks      <http://www.hrsoftworks.net>        |
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|   *There's nothing like a depressant to cheer you up*  |
|                       - Heard at Moe's Tavern          |
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