> Twayne wrote:
>> XP Pro SP2+ OOo 2.4.1
>> I still can not use the envelope printing features in Writer.  None
>> of them seem to work right that I want to use, namely center-fed  #
>> 6 3/4 and #10 (North American).
>> It's a real pain to create a working envelope template; at least I've
>> never found a way.  Well, one way, by putting a box on a letter size
>> sheet and printing the envelope as though it were a full letter size
>> sheet but it's clumsy and inefficient.
>>    I've even tried opening Word envelopes with Writer but the result
>> is dismal.
>> Has anyone written, or created a library or whatever, of creating
>> envelopes with OOo?
>> It's hard to believe that in all this time that it hasn't been better
>> addressed.
>> TIA,
>> Twayne
> Hi Twayne
> Have you worked through
> http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/tutorial/Print_An_Envelope.html
> or
> http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/2005/12/printing_envelo.html
> I have for years now had a DL envelope template which I've adapted a
> few printers over  the time and use very regularly.  I did as you
> proposed, started printing onto a blank sheet, so I could work out the
> orientation, and it "just works." So I just copy the address from my
> letter and it has the return address ready to go.
> Russell

Hmm, thank you very much, Russell.  I'm tempted to say yes, I read 
those, but ... obviously I haven't.  Either that or they are 
considerably changed.  Yeh!  That's it; they changed!  :^)

I did get a few good hints from the URLs, so they were worth your 
posting.  Thanks for your assistance and time.



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