Cross-posted .general and .question

I received a response from wrld of pwr this am (sent 6:33 am EST) and I 
wish to publicly thank the Sender and his organization for being 
forthright, open and above board at this point.  Their willingless to 
take care of the problem is laudible.

It should be stopped for now, here and other groups and inboxes, too. 
They have redirected all their auto-responders to a particular mailbox 
of their own.  He said they received over 10,000 of them in the short 
time after the redirect.  To use his own words, they are now working 
"frantically" to figure out how to take care of it.  It's the right 
thing to do, and I'm hoping he's as reliable as he sounds to be.
   I found him very reasonable and IMO wanting to do the right thing for 
all the right reasons.
   I'm not going to give his address here since he contacted me by 
e-mail but I think it shows at a minimum that they now understand the 
problem and are working on it.  If he wishes to respond here personally, 
I leave that up to him.  But remember, this is one of many groups, 
probably hundreds, that he's been hitting so individual responses aren't 
likely to be forthcoming.

Based on the stated quantity of 10,000 mails,, this is, as I said 
previously was possible, likely an intentional spam attack.  Someone is 
banging their autoresponder (most likely) with their address 
intentionally forged into the mails (spam) being sent.  That number is 
probably still climbing but should start to fall off shortly as the spam 
run completes.  If it doesn't fall off, then  they have legal recourse 
against the spammer/s which I suppose might pay for some of the 
substantial bandwidth they've spent on keeping this tripe from going out 
into the rest of the world.
  Expending bandwidth on non-business activities is one of the most 
loathsome activies any server admin can have to do.  I for one 
appreciate their actions.  They could have just gone merrily along 
without the redirects and told no one.  But the main point again is, 
they have redirected ALL of them, so for the time being they shouldn't 
be appearing anywhere.
   Auto-responders in general are bad news and without extreme security 
controls, such as helo authentication, etc., will, not might, eventually 
be accused of spamming.  So far the total number of complaints, 
according to my admittedly brief research, has been small, in the 
thousands, so compared to their total MX figues, they aren't getting 
high spam scores yet.  By taking care of that now, they won't end up on 
the block/black lists that make it extremely hard to get off of. 
Discussion in nanae and similar listing sites are so far peripheral, so 
... this stoppage is exactly what they needed to do.

I'm sure, if anyone recived further such mails with dates of 5-1 or 
later, that they would be pleased to have them.  Be sure to include the 
unmunged headers so they can validate your claim.  The best way to do 
that is to Forward As Attachment.

So World of Power so far are the white hats, which is great.  Let's hope 
they manage to stay that way.


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