x-posted to .general, .questions

Steve of W.O.P. U.K.  asked me to relay his response to the group, so 
here it is below.  I wished him well when I responded and thanked him.


Steve's message to me:

> Thanks for your response,
> I have decided to set any mails sent to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to just delete with no further
> action.
> The mail that we do send out with details of customers dispatches
> clearly states to please not reply to the mail, so if they do it is
> there own fault, we simply put the auto reply to cover the few that
> do.
> So when a spam email had hit and it actually got a reply it became a
> prime target for further spam, then I guess at some point the spam
> email return address must have be something to do with openoffice.org
> which is maybe how it got in the circulation.
> So hopefully if i stop the auto response it should see an end to this.
> Good luck with you continued fight against spam, I would apprieciate
> it if you wouldnt mind posting on your forum my appoligies for any
> inconvienice and the the auto responder is off and so should not see
> any further mails. if it does ever arise again, would you please let
> me know and I will do my upmost to sort
> Thanks again
> Steve Bilsland (in the UK)

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