Paul Gress <> typed:
> On 11/10/10 01:53 PM, Harold Fuchs wrote:
>> On 10/11/2010 17:13, Samara Spence wrote:
>>> Dear Open Office,
>>> What I want to be able to do most with my text documents
>>> is to be able to open the same document in 2 or more
>>> separate windows.  It would be fine if only the first
>>> window were capable of being edited, but it would be
>>> better if the document could be edited from multiple
>>> windows on the same computer at the same time.  When I'm
>>> writing a long paper, or even a not-so-long paper, I
>>> spend a tremendous amount of time scrolling around
>>> looking for things I wrote in one place and trying to
>>> make sure the rest of the paper is consistent with it.
>>> This feature would save me oodles of time.  I could have
>>> the same doc side-by-side, on separate monitors, or even
>>> on different "desktops".
>>> ---
>>> Open Office User
>> Open the document and then click menu item Window>New
>> Window. A new window will open with the same document
>> displayed. You can then use your window manager (Microsoft
>> Windows I guess in your case) to display these either side
>> by side or one above the other. Of course they are
>> separately scrollable and changes made in one window are
>> instantly reflected in the other. If you have a dual
>> monitor set-up you should be able to drag one of the
>> windows to the other monitor and work with both full
>> screen.
> Now that is cool, I never new you can do that.  It works
> here on Opensolaris also, not just a Windows thing.
> Paul

I believe you'll find that's actually an OO thing, not the OS. Most of the 
popular word processors allow it too but OOo has a better impementation IMO.



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