Customize inlines in django admin

2011-02-20 Thread Gianluca Pacchiella
Hi folks, I have a problem with an admin inline form for a model having a ManyToMany field: the default is to visualize a select having as options all the instances available for that kind of model, with a plus button to create a new one on the fly. My problem is I want only to add the object

Problem with restructuredtext filter

2010-02-22 Thread Gianluca Pacchiella
I have written for a personal django app (actually a blog), a new restructured text role that allows to use TeX syntax and rendering math formulas; the problem is that I don't want to allow this in comment. To avoid to load the TeX related role I use the following snippet of code where I delete

Strange behaviour of FileField in FormWizard

2009-05-15 Thread Gianluca Pacchiella
I implemented a form wizard to import bookmarks from various website or from a file: the first form selects the type of the import and, in case I want to import from a BibTeX file, the second form is a FileField where I have to indicate the path of the file containing the reference to parse. In