Re: Problem

2010-02-22 Thread rennat
need more info, like a code example and the data that is causing the validation error On Feb 22, 6:20 am, "" wrote: > Enter a valid date/time in -MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uu]] format. > Request Method: POST > Request URL:    

Re: pushing messages on a webapp

2010-02-22 Thread rennat
You might look at using Comet, I haven't personally used it yet but there were some cool things done with it at PyCon this year. I don't know if this is the best how to but it came up pretty high in google search:

Re: How to make the login forms available to the entire site?

2010-02-22 Thread rennat
I have used a context processor to keep track of a global login form and process logins before. This method and rebus_'s "submit all to a login URL" are both valid ways to do this. On Feb 22, 11:00 am, Josh Kersey wrote: > I've always done it as rebus_ explained.  Put the

Re: Overriding widget for forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField in ModelForm

2010-02-22 Thread rennat
Here is how I accomplished this with a ModelForm class VariationForm(forms.ModelForm): option_values = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Value.objects.none(), widget=CheckboxSelectMultiple(), required=False) class Meta: model = Variation def __init__(self, *args,

Re: django and its interactive shell on osx

2010-02-22 Thread rennat
This seems to be an IPython problem. at quick glance it looks like your version of IPython is incomplete. Try reinstalling or check the changelogs, I don't keep up with ipython but its possible a new version had backwards incompatible changes that django needs to account for now. hope that helps