I'm trying to create a generic form template for a custom admin zone.
I'm doing it this way: 

But I need to modify the output depending of the field type.
It's easy to add a javascript calendar in a DateField if you add a
custom class to it, but I need to go further.
I want to check within the template if the field type is a ImageField,
and if True, add:
    <td><img src="field_path" ... /></td>

The problem here is that I can't determine the field type within the
{% for field in form %}{% endfor %} loop.

I'd like something like this  (this is a simplified version):

{% for field in form %}
    <th>{{ field.label_tag }}</th>
    <td>{{ field }}</td>
     <!-- This is what I wish it could be done-->
    {% ifequal field.type 'ImageField' %}
           <td><img src="{{ field.data }}" /></td>
     {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Is there any workaround to make it work?

Thank you.
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