For reference I've asked this question on stackoverflow:

How can I use nav-global for navigation and hide the breadcrumbs in the
django admin app. I've found ways to do this but they seem hackish and
problematic. I'm looking for a clean reliable solution.

**Naive Approach that doesn't work:**

customize admin/base_site.html

    {% extends "admin/base.html" %}
    {% load i18n %}

    {% block title %}{{ title }} | {% trans 'Django site admin' %}{%
endblock %}

    {% block branding %}
    <h1 id="site-name">{% trans 'Django administration' %}</h1>
    {% endblock %}

    {% block nav-global %}Some links will go here...{% endblock %}
    {% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %}

this doesn't work because the templates in django admin like
change_list.html that extend base_site.html will define content for
breadcrumbs which will override whatever I have set in base_site.html.

**solution 1: CSS**

Add the following css to admin using the extrastyle block. This works, but
the breadcrumbs still get generated and appear in the HTML source. This
feels hacky.

    .breadcrumbs {
        display: none;

**Solution 2: override base.html**

Override base.html and remove the breadcrumbs block. Children will try to
define it but it never exists so it never gets rendered. This also seems
like a hack. It's also not a good idea to override base.html as each Django
release can make many changes to base.html and the admin app could break
between releases.

I just wanted to make sure there isn't some simpler way that I'm missing.
Thanks in advance.

Marwan AlSabbagh

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