Hi everyone,

Our basic content model pseudo-code is:

class Content(models.Model)

class Image(Content)

class Story(Content)
    lead_art = ForeignKey(Content)

Content has an ID of course, and Image, Story, etc have a

What we're experiencing from time to time in Django admin is this

A Story will be saved, creating:

Content id: 100
Story content_ptr_id: 100

Then an image will be saved, kicking off an upload process. What's
happening is that the Content ID will be created, but the Image
content_ptr_id won't be created until the file upload completes. This
creates a race condition on the Images table. When someone is trying
to relate an Image as lead art, we're getting a 500 error because the
Content ID we just created doesn't exist yet in Images.

So, we're trying to figure out the best way to prevent this from
happening. Can anyone offer any advice?

Kindest regards,

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