I have written for a personal django app (actually a blog), a new
restructured text role that allows to use TeX syntax and rendering math
formulas; the problem is that I don't want to allow this in comment. To
avoid to load the TeX related role I use the following snippet of code
where I delete the role directly by popping it from roles._role_registry

def restructured_text_without(parser, token):
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endrestructuredTextWO',))

        tag_name, role_name = token.contents.split(None, 1)
    except ValueError:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                '%r tag requires an argument' % token.contents.split()[0])

    return Without(nodelist, role_name)

class Without(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, nodelist, role_name):
        if settings.DEBUG:
            print 'Without', role_name
        self.nodelist = nodelist
        self.role_name = role_name
        self.role_fn = None

    def render(self, context):
        from docutils.parsers.rst import roles

        self.role_fn = roles._role_registry.pop(self.role_name, None)

        output = self.nodelist.render(context)

        if self.role_fn:
            roles._role_registry[self.role_name] = self.role_fn

        return output

In the template I have

        <h1 class="blog_header">{{blog.title|capfirst}}</h1>
        <h3 class="blog_creation_date">
                {{blog.creation_date|date:"D d M Y"}}
        <div class="blog_content">


        {% get_comment_list for blog as comments %}
        {% for comment in comments %}
                {% comment_entry comment %}
        {% endfor %}

where comment_entry is a inclusion tag defined as

{% load markup %}
{% restructuredTextWO tex %}
<div class="entry">
        <h3>posted by <a href="{{site}}">{{username}}</a>
                at {{date|date:"D d M Y"}}</h3>
{% endrestructuredTextWO %}

Now, the problem is that this doesn't work if also the blog contains the
:tex: role and I don't understand why: there is something I'm missing in
how the template rendering works?

I would appreciate some hints about that.

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