I am testing my view using the Client(), and I am having trouble
retrieving a variable that is in a try and except block.  It is not
returning the posted item in the block, but instead always returning
the excepted data.

Here is the snippet I am trying to test in my view.py:
        allchecks = Checks.objects.all()
        datagroups = []
        for i in allchecks:
                if not i.datagroup in datagroups:
                        datagroups += ['%s' % i.datagroup]

                data = request.POST['datagroup']

        if data:
                checkslist = Checks.objects.filter(datagroup=data)
                checkslist = []

In my rendered template I have a filter input box which contains
everything stored in datagroups.  What I doing here is posting the
selected filter in datagroups to display the results from my Checks

This all works fine in practice but when I am testing it using
Django's Client(), it never returns data as the posted datagroup but
rather returns the excepted data="".

This is what I have in my test.py:
class checksearchTests(TestCase):
        fixtures = ['testdata/my_text_fixture.json']

        def setUp(self):
                self.client = Client()
                #login user to perform following tests
                self.client.login(username='auser', password='apassword')

                response = self.client.get('/lib/project/7/checksearch/')
                self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
                self.assertEqual(response.template[0].name, 'allsearch.html')
                self.failUnless('testtrial1' in response.content)

        def test_post_datagroup_search_ALC(self):
                post_data = {'data': dg}
                postresponse = self.client.post('/lib/project/7/checksearch/',

                response = self.client.get('/lib/project/7/checksearch/')
                self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
                self.assertEqual(response.template[0].name, 'allsearch.html')
                self.failUnless('Results for datagroup: ALC' in 

Its failing on "self.failUnless('Results for datagroup: ALC' in
response.content)" because the posted data has not been rendered, so
instead its rendering dg="".

Anyidea why this is? Is it the way I have written my function?

Any help is received with thanks.
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