hi Folks

I have a model which has in it some stuff that looks like:

class Simulation(models.Model):

class Coupling(models.Model):

class SimCoupling(models.Model):

In the shell I can do

> from protoq.models import *
> s=Simulation.objects.get(id=13)
> bc=s.boundaryCondition

and obviously bc is a manytomany manager.

Now, what I want to do is loop over those boundaryCondition related
objects. I understand how to get a list of dictionary versions, but I
want the actual SimCoupling instances themselves. I thought I could
get the query set and just ask for the objects ...


>>> bc.values()
[{'targetInput_id': 1, 'component_id': 1, 'couplingFreqUnits_id': 19,
'couplingType_id': 14, 'original_id': 1, 'manipulation': u'asdf',
'id': 28, 'couplingFreq': 122}]
>>> bc.all()
>>> bc.get_query_set()
>>> bc.get_query_set().all()
>>> bc.get_query_set().values()
[{'targetInput_id': 1, 'component_id': 1, 'couplingFreqUnits_id': 19,
'couplingType_id': 14, 'original_id': 1, 'manipulation': u'asdf',
'id': 28, 'couplingFreq': 122}]

I think I'm being stupid, and having one of those "woods and trees"
moments. How do I get to a list of the objects or something I can
iterate over? I know it's going to be obvious, and last week I
probably knew it ... :-(

(I wanted to be able to get a list like this:
 bclist= [m.original for m in bc.something]
I know I can get this the hard way from the dict ... but ...)

Thanks in advance,

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