i wrote a save function like that

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):                                           
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):                           
        from os.path import dirname, join, splitext                             
        from shutil import move as rename                                       
        extension = splitext(obj.image.path)[-1]                                
        new_image_path = join(dirname(obj.image.path), obj.slug + extension)    
        rename(obj.image.path, new_image_path)                                  
        obj.image = new_image_path                                              

it is working but, when i saving it from admin site, image urls are being wrong 
and being same as file path. see :

In [1]: from products.models import Product

In [2]: p = Product.objects.get(id=1)

In [3]: p.image.path
Out[3]: u'/home/horselogy/django/mmm/media/product_images/akatis.png'

In [4]: p.image.url

why it is being like that? what am i doing wronG? Thanks for your response

Mirat Can Bayrak <miratcanbay...@gmail.com>

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