On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 10:20 +1000, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> (1) Impress Guide rebranding.
> Have you been using the Template Changer extension to "assign" the LibO
> template to the rebranded Impress Guide chapters? If not, please do that
> at some point. 
> Assigning a template takes care of all the style changes, the footer on
> the copyright page, and other things, though a few items need to be done
> manually (like the cover page graphic).

That last paragraph is a bit misleading. Other things don't get done
automatically, for example the formatting of the Tip/Note/Caution
tables. A fairly quick way to reformat these is to set up AutoFormats
for those tables and apply those AutoFormats; this technique is
explained in the "Producing LibO User Guides" document.

Something I haven't had time to look into is whether the AutoFormats and
AutoText can be shared easily among members of the team. Some things are
stored in a template, so that's easy; but other things are local
customisations of LibO itself. I know where the customisation files are
stored, but haven't looked into the "gotchas" of sharing these files and
how to get around those "gotchas" (if one can). If someone wants to look
into this, please do! Hmmm... wonder if the old OOo Admin Guide covers
this? And if it does, whether the info is correct for LibO?


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