[Dolibarr-dev] Forum send plaintext password on mail confirmation

2019-09-03 Par sujet cam.la...@azerttyu.net
Hello As I don't know where post this trouble, I prefer use old solution and post a mail :) I've reopened an account on dolibarr.org/forum. On confirmation mail I've seen my account and my plaintext password. I see two troubles : * Password plaintext looks stored on dolibarr server * A mail is

Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Forum send plaintext password on mail confirmation

2019-09-03 Par sujet Jean Traullé
Hello Km, Thanks for reporting this. The passwords are not stored in plaintext in the database but are salted and hashed before being stored. An email is however sent with the plain text password before being salted and hashed to be stored in the database. I agree with you that this is