
Rotor's code generator is heavily biased toward portability, which means
keeping as much code as possible in C. If a helper is embedded, it needs
to be re-implemented for each architecture. However, a helper written in
C needs to be simply recompiled.

The best way to see what is going on in the JIT compiler for a
particular function is to set environment variable
COMPlus_JitBreak=<class name>::<function name> and run the program under
the debugger. The program will break before the function is JIT compiled
so you can set break points on the instructions which are of interest to
you and walk through that code.

If you have a copy of Shared Source CLI Essentials, you can look at page
156 for the explanation of the x86 JIT calling convention.

Here is a short summary of what happens. You have 5 five dword sized
arguments plus a this pointer, which in this case is a pointer to local
stack. First two parameters - this pointer and the first dword argument
are pulled out into ecx and edx. Extra space is allocated for the value
on the local stack. So when the call happens at 02D42DF6 the stack looks
like the following:

Return buffer dword1
Return buffer dword2
Return buffer dword3
Return buffer dword4
Arg 2
Arg 3
Arg 4
Arg 5
Arg 1
Pointer to return buffer    <--- sp

After the call, six dwords are removed from the stack, so the stack
looks like. 

Return buffer dword1
Return buffer dword2
Return buffer dword3
Return buffer dword4        <--- sp

Now the valuetype is on the local stack it needs to be copied over to
the static's heap. This is accomplished via CopyBytes_helper, because
the write barriers need to be used if the valuetype contains object
references. Before copying the valuetype JIT_InitClass is called to make
sure the class has been initialized:

02D42DFB B8 3C 44 E5 06   mov         eax,6E5443Ch 
02D42E00 50               push        eax  
02D42E01 B8 00 52 35 79   mov         eax,79355200h 
02D42E06 FF D0            call        eax  
02D42E08 83 C4 04         add         esp,4

Then the address where the valuetype should be copied is obtained:

02D42E0B B8 7C 2D E5 06   mov         eax,6E52D7Ch 
02D42E10 50               push        eax  
02D42E11 B8 3E 33 35 79   mov         eax,7935333Eh 
02D42E16 FF D0            call        eax  
02D42E18 83 C4 04         add         esp,4

Then the call to CopyBytes_helper is made:

02D42E1B 50               push        eax               <-- dest.
02D42E1C 8D 44 24 04      lea         eax,[esp+4]       <-- source
02D42E20 50               push        eax  
02D42E21 B8 10 00 00 00   mov         eax,10h           <-- size 
02D42E26 50               push        eax  

Here the GC map of the value is encoded in the instruction stream. The
call pushes the return address on the stack and the return address
serves as an argument to CopyBytes helper. This instruction sequence
confuses the debugger. In this case the GC map has length of 1 bytes and
is located at

02D42E2C 00

So the code should be decoded as:

02D42E27 E8 01 00 00 00   call        02D42E2D 
02D42E2C 00  <-- GC map       
02D42E2D 59               pop ecx     
02D42E2E 51               push ecx

02D42E2F B8 98 18 71 79   mov         eax,79711898h 
02D42E34 FF D0            call        eax  
02D42E36 83 C4 10         add         esp,10h           <-- pop of
02D42E39 83 C4 10         add         esp,10h           <-- pop of the

At this point the local stack is cleared and the value resides in the
proper location.


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anderson, Todd A
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 5:39 PM
Subject: [DOTNET-ROTOR] stsfld for a value type

Could someone in the know please help me to understand
what the assembly corresponding to the following IL is 
doing?  What I'd like to know is, how are value types
treated with respect to stsfld?  There are 5 calls in
the assembly what do they correspond?  Moreover,
why does Rotor make calls for these functions rather than
using embedded code?



IL code from System.Decimal::.cctor
  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0003:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0004:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0005:  newobj     instance void System.Decimal::.ctor(int32,
  IL_000a:  stsfld     valuetype System.Decimal System.Decimal::Zero

FJit assembly generated for the above IL

// next 10 lines for the 5 load constant 0's
02D42DB0 33 C0            xor         eax,eax 
02D42DB2 50               push        eax  
02D42DB3 33 C0            xor         eax,eax 
02D42DB5 50               push        eax  
02D42DB6 33 C0            xor         eax,eax 
02D42DB8 50               push        eax  
02D42DB9 33 C0            xor         eax,eax 
02D42DBB 50               push        eax  
02D42DBC 33 C0            xor         eax,eax 
02D42DBE 50               push        eax
// subtracting 12 from esp?  
02D42DBF 81 C4 F4 FF FF FF add         esp,0FFFFFFF4h 
// copying 0 params onto the stack space we just reserved...why?
02D42DC5 8B 44 24 0C      mov         eax,dword ptr [esp+0Ch] 
02D42DC9 89 44 24 00      mov         dword ptr [esp],eax 
02D42DCD 8B 44 24 10      mov         eax,dword ptr [esp+10h] 
02D42DD1 89 44 24 04      mov         dword ptr [esp+4],eax 
02D42DD5 8B 44 24 14      mov         eax,dword ptr [esp+14h] 
02D42DD9 89 44 24 08      mov         dword ptr [esp+8],eax 
02D42DDD 8B 44 24 18      mov         eax,dword ptr [esp+18h] 
// didn't this just overwrite the original 5th parameter we pushed?
02D42DE1 89 44 24 0C      mov         dword ptr [esp+0Ch],eax 
// general confusion from here on down...
02D42DE5 8B 54 24 1C      mov         edx,dword ptr [esp+1Ch] 
02D42DE9 8D 44 24 10      lea         eax,[esp+10h] 
02D42DED 8B C8            mov         ecx,eax 
02D42DEF 52               push        edx  
02D42DF0 51               push        ecx  
02D42DF1 B8 68 45 E5 06   mov         eax,6E54568h 
02D42DF6 FF 10            call        dword ptr [eax] 
02D42DF8 83 C4 18         add         esp,18h 
02D42DFB B8 3C 44 E5 06   mov         eax,6E5443Ch 
02D42E00 50               push        eax  
02D42E01 B8 00 52 35 79   mov         eax,79355200h 
02D42E06 FF D0            call        eax  
02D42E08 83 C4 04         add         esp,4 
02D42E0B B8 7C 2D E5 06   mov         eax,6E52D7Ch 
02D42E10 50               push        eax  
02D42E11 B8 3E 33 35 79   mov         eax,7935333Eh 
02D42E16 FF D0            call        eax  
02D42E18 83 C4 04         add         esp,4 
02D42E1B 50               push        eax  
02D42E1C 8D 44 24 04      lea         eax,[esp+4] 
02D42E20 50               push        eax  
02D42E21 B8 10 00 00 00   mov         eax,10h 
02D42E26 50               push        eax  
02D42E27 E8 01 00 00 00   call        02D42E2D 
02D42E2C 00 59 51         add         byte ptr [ecx+51h],bl 
02D42E2F B8 98 18 71 79   mov         eax,79711898h 
02D42E34 FF D0            call        eax  
02D42E36 83 C4 10         add         esp,10h 
02D42E39 83 C4 10         add         esp,10h 

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