The weekly newsletter from CNET
Vol. 4, No. 19
May 11, 1999

Greetings from the Internet's software source!

The hits keep on a-comin' from Cupertino. Hot on the heels of QuickTime 4
and a slew of Star Wars-related media, Apple rolled out Mac OS 8.6
yesterday. Already a record-setting title (having racked up
24,559 downloads on its first day of release), this must-have upgrade
brings Mac OS 8.5 users speed improvements, better Sherlock searching,
enhanced media integration, and lots more. But I won't ramble on about
the particulars--you can get the goods right here and see for yourself:,302,0-0511-2-001,00.html

Jim Stanley
Associate editor, CNET

(Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of this newsletter.)


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 1. CNET Exclusives you don't want to miss
    --Mac OS 8.6
 2. fans: cast your vote
 3. The week in reviews
    --Power Downloader's Weekly Picks, Online Tunes,
      Productivity Applications
 4. The week in wares: the latest and greatest software releases
    --RealPlayer G2, Hotline Connect Client, SolarCell, Sherlock Menu,
      Int'l Traveler
 5. This week's in-crowd: our most popular downloads
 6. Gamecenter's GamerX: Railroad Tycoon II
 7. How to subscribe/unsubscribe to our newsletter


1. CNET Exclusives you don't want to miss

MAC OS 8.6 UPDATE. We've got it. You need it. Get the OS
upgrade--exclusively at CNET get smoother system
performance, improved Sherlock searching, myriad Apple software updates,
and more:,302,0-0511-2-002,00.html


2. fans: cast your vote

Downloaders--we want your input! When you see a listing of programs on
our site, what do you think the default order of the list should be?*

a) newest programs first
b) Picks first
c) most popular programs first
d) alphabetically by program name

Let us know your vote by sending mail via the link below (or just address
your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=sortpoll

We'll let you know the results as soon as we tally them. Thanks!

(*This does not apply to search results, only to category listings;
e.g. Internet: Browsers)


3. The week in reviews

"Power Downloader's Weekly Picks": This week our caped crusader talks
back to his Mac with a new PlainTalk plug-in:,302,0-0511-2-003,00.html

"Online Tunes": From local radio stations to self-styled DJs transmitting
MP3 files, thousands of Net-savvy broadcasters are serving up music,
news, and more, and it's all free--that is, if you have the right

"Productivity Applications": Having a tough time organizing your day? Are
all your projects spiraling out of control? Don't despair--our
productivity Topic Center is filled to the brim with tips, downloads, and
more to help you organize your week and make the most of your time:,302,0-0511-2-005,00.html


Sign up for free email and receive the world's best email address--
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Just click here:


4. The week in wares: the latest and greatest software releases


File size: 4.3MB
License: freeware
Minimum requirements: PowerPC, Mac OS 8.1, 32MB RAM

Being online these days involves more than just reading text on a Web
page. Multimedia-rich sites abound, and in most cases, software is needed
to enjoy the goods. Enter RealPlayer G2. With this robust app at your
side, tuning in to streaming audio and video on the Web is a snap.
Features include destination buttons for one-click access to news and
entertainment, near CD-quality audio (28.8-kbps and faster connections
only), and full-screen video capability (high-bandwidth connections
only). Get Real:,302,0-0511-2-006,00.html

File size: 782K
License: shareware ($29.95)
Minimum requirements: PowerPC

Web browsers: who needs 'em? With Hotline Connect, you can hook up to
hundreds of cross-platform Hotline servers that allow you to chat,
transfer files, and read news posts--all within an enclosed client/server
network. The latest version of Hotline offers a bevy of new features,
including threaded news postings, improved chat and messaging options,
and a redesigned interface. Once you've discovered the power of Hotline
Connect, you may never go back to your browser again. Get connected:,302,0-0511-2-007,00.html

Internet software updates:

Keep Me Online 1.01,302,0-0511-2-008,00.html

Autothenticate 1.1.4,302,0-0511-2-009,00.html

Find all the latest Internet software here:,302,0-0511-2-010,00.html


File size: 390K
License: shareware ($20)
Minimum requirements: System 7, Adobe Photoshop 3.x

Got Photoshop? SolarCell is a brand new Photoshop filter from Flaming
Pear (makers of the ever popular BladePro plug-ins) that can generate
fantastic images of suns, stars, and other interstellar phenomena. In
addition to its standard controls and presets, SolarCell also includes a
"dice button" for random effects and color combinations. And while
SolarCell may not be up to par with special effects of Star Wars, the
price tag isn't out of this world, either. Solar power:,302,0-0511-2-011,00.html

Multimedia & design software updates:

GraphicConverter 3.6.2,302,0-0511-2-012,00.html

QuickMP3 1.2,302,0-0511-2-013,00.html

Find the latest multimedia & design software here:,302,0-0511-2-014,00.html


File size: 92K
License: shareware ($5)
Minimum requirements: PowerPC, Mac OS 8.5

Scrolling down the long list of items in the Apple Menu just to open the
Sherlock search tool is, simply, a drag. Thankfully there's Sherlock
Menu, a tool that adds a systemwide menu bar for quick access to the
search tool. With it, you can preselect the type of search you want to
perform and launch the Sherlock tool all in one step. Search smarter:,302,0-0511-2-015,00.html

Utilities software updates:

ASCII Converter (fat) 1.3,302,0-0511-2-016,00.html

Conflict Catcher 8 Update 8.0.5,302,0-0511-2-017,00.html

Find the latest utilities here:,302,0-0511-2-018,00.html


File size: 11.6K
License: demo ($19.95)
Minimum requirements: Palm OS 2.0

If international intrigue isn't always what you're looking for, then
you'll appreciate Int'l Traveler, an application that supplies cultural
and country information for your destinations. Make friends instead of
faux pas with these fascinating facts and curious customs for Asia,
Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America. Whether you're
juggling gestures or geography, you're bound to boast more cultural
sensitivity. When in Rome:,302,0-0511-2-019,00.html

PalmPilot updates:

StockPilot99 2.0:,302,0-0511-2-020,00.html

LodeRunner 4.3:,302,0-0511-2-021,00.html

Find all the latest PalmPilot software here:,302,0-0511-2-022,00.html


5. This week's in-crowd: our most popular downloads

 1. Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace Trailer     25,567 downloads
 2. Star Wars: Episode I Music Video                     15,828 downloads
 3. Queen Amidala One Will                               13,498 downloads
 4. Anakin Skywalker One Dream                           12,290 downloads
 5. Shmi Skywalker One Love                              10,935 downloads
 6. Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace Trailer(QT4)10,158 downloads
 7. Qui-Gon Jinn One Destiny                              9,603 downloads
 8. Star Wars, Episode I: The Gungan Frontier             8,383 downloads
 9. Aladdin StuffIt Expander                              6,921 downloads
10. Railroad Tycoon II                                    5,291 downloads

(Sheesh! Looks like CNET fans were downloading from somewhere in a galaxy
far, far away last week.)

For more details on CNET's Most Popular files, click here:,302,0-0511-2-023,00.html


6. Gamecenter's GamerX is down to ride with Railroad Tycoon II

File size: 52.7MB
License: demo
Minimum requirements: PowerPC, System 7.5.3, 16MB RAM

No spaceships. No aliens. No foreign planets. Just the sounds of cold
hard steel moving through war-torn Europe. Such is the premise of
Railroad Tycoon II, a game that puts you in the role of a robber baron
trying to make your name in the railroad business. To do so, you must
rebuild the British rail system after its destruction in the blitz. All

Games updates:

Dirt Bike 3D (OpenGL) 1.6b,302,0-0511-2-025,00.html

Find all the latest Mac games here:,302,0-0511-2-026,00.html


7. How to subscribe/unsubscribe to our newsletter

You are receiving this Download Dispatch newsletter because we have
received a subscription request for your email address, or because
someone you know has sent it to you. To subscribe to this or other CNET
newsletters, please visit:

If you do not wish to receive the Download Dispatch, please visit this
page to unsubscribe:,300,dlm,00.html?dd.dl.m.0511.30

*A technical note for our dispatch readers*

If you get an error page when you click links in this newsletter, please
try copying the entire link (including the ".html") and then pasting it
into your browser's URL field. There are a variety of email clients in
use by our subscribers, and because each client handles links
differently, broken links sometimes occur. We are working on solving this
issue and appreciate your patience.


Special note to our Mac readers:

As many Download Dispatch readers noticed, last week's Mac dispatch
mistakenly included an advertisement for the Windows-only application
MediaRing Talk 99. CNET apologizes for any inconvenience or
confusion this caused our Mac readers.


 *A surreal birthday wish to Salvador Dali, born on this day in 1904.*

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